You know something is wrong, but you can't figure it out. You don't want to do it, but you can't stop and you've been told that 'everyone does it. It's normal.' But if it was normal, it wouldn't hurt you or others - and there is no doubt that it does hurt you and it certainly hurts others. And sometimes at least, you are disgusted with what you're doing, but it's so confusing and it's getting worse. It's effecting your relationships, your work, your finances and your physical, emotional, social and mental health in a negative way, but you can't figure out why something so 'natural' is causing such harmful effects.
You have been 'set up.' You have been manipulated to believe that emotionally detached sexual behaviour is normal but it isn't normal at all. You think you're having 'sex' with others when you engage in physical interaction, but in reality you've just weaponised your sexual organs. You don't recognise that your behaviour or thinking is in fact, sexual abuse of yourself and others. The reality - the truth - is that your mind was taken captive in a battle you didn't know was raging around you. You didn't know that your mind was the 'prize.' You didn't know that you lost ownership and control of your own mind. You feel powerless but blame yourself - but it's not your fault that you didn't realise you were manipulated from babyhood. How did you get here? You were manipulated by the controllers. It also helps the controllers' efforts to manipulate you, if you were emotionally wounded too. Very likely, you suffered a deep attachment injury, but you, like many other sufferers might have buried that wound deeply in a no-go zone. So now you probably don't realise just how deeply you are injured. You probably don't realise how that wound causes you severe pain and dominates your choices every day. You become a prisoner to your anaesthetic medication. The controllers planned your manipulation so subtly and now they do indeed control you. You’re addicted to their ‘remedy’ - the pseudo-medication, the numbing substance to dampen your emotional pain. The pain is caused by the wound inflicted when you needed to be loved and valued but instead you were rejected and abandoned. You started to believe that you were not valued, not good enough to be loved. So you searched for something to make you feel desired, attached, connected so that the emotional pain would stop and the wound would heal. The controllers knew that you would search for a remedy so they quickly offered you the substitute. They intentionally created a multi-faceted system to capture your mind, ensuring that you never realised it was a potent, numbing poison until you were completely addicted. Most ‘patients’ don’t ever realise what happened to them and some of the casualties end up physically confined in prison as rapists, child molesters or even as serial sexual killers - and they don’t even know how they arrived at that horrific place. They tried to heal their emotional wounds with the numbing, pseudo-medication of emotionally detached, sexual activity. The detached physical sexual activity causes an activation of ‘feel good’ hormones – dopamine, oxytocin and initially the mind is tricked into thinking that everything is so much better by performing the sexual behaviour. Those are the normal hormones and neurotransmitters realised during emotionally safe sexual behaviour, but there is also an undesired side effect of the pseudo-medication. Emotionally-detached, emotionally disconnected sexual activity involves fear and it is fear that releases a potent dose of adrenaline. The insecurity of not being loved, not truly desired for yourself (as opposed to being desired for what the predator can gain from the liaison) the fear of being ‘not good enough’ and of being rejected, abandoned, these cause a feeling of being disempowered. It re-enacts the original wound. The adrenaline from the fear confuses the brain and new neural pathways are formed that anchor the unusual emotionally detached sexual behaviour with adrenaline. As the brain tries to manage the toxic stress created from the adrenaline and the toxic excess dopamine production, it reduces the dopamine receptors so that less toxic chemicals are able to pass into the brain. Gradually, the initial behaviour stops providing the same ‘hit’ as the brain acts to protect itself from the unnatural increase of stressful and pleasure hormones. If you don’t understand the brain’s protective process, you will increase your level of emotionally detached, sexual activity and ‘up the ante’ by moving on to more ‘exciting’ forbidden, taboo behaviours or images. The increase in your pursuit of emotionally-detached, sexual activity is exactly on-course. The porn pushers created and cloaked powerful mental manipulation strategies that made their assault on your mind invisible. They predicted your response to their manipulation and you are behaving as per their programme. Your behaviour is pleasingly according to their established plan. You are acting out the programme and the sexual abuse industry - Pimp Empire - are profiting from your pain. And the process is intentional. Your suffering is necessary as the pain prompts you to keep 'using' their medication, despite the horrible side effects. Addiction causes real, visible changes to your brain’s circuitry that make escaping from being programmed very difficult if you aren’t aware of the manipulation. The brain becomes ‘hypersexualised.’ You are manipulated to think about sexual activity continually. The porn merchants supply a constant, unavoidable source of visual images (the commodities) that in reality are methods that visually rape the mind. The images are foreplay - like visual Viagara. The visual and audio images cause the brain to focus constantly on sexual thoughts. We call those images ‘porn’ and porn is designed to arouse sexual responses in the spectator. Porn can be seen in the media – internet, movies, TV, music videos, radio, advertisements, shopping centres, posters, beaches, walking down the street, in churches. There is no place that porn has not invaded. Porn is not your friend. Porn is the pseudo-medication that is designed to make you a consumer of the product they are selling. The controllers are selling the degradation of men, women, children, animals and you. The controllers will condition you, will try to reassure you that your hypersexualised state is a natural condition. They lie to you that you are feeling constant sexual arousal simply because you are a ‘red-blooded male’ or that you have a ‘high libido’ and that you are just a ‘real man’ with a super high sex drive.’ The poisonous deception continues that a potent man like you needs and is entitled to have other sexual outlets to satisfy your raging sexuality. Your wife isn’t ‘up to it’ - she can only ‘put out’ a minimum amount of ‘relief’ for you and soon she is not satisfying at all. You are conditioned further to believe that your wife is not attractive, not sexy and that you are being deprived of sexual satisfaction because she objects to the unnatural frequency you demand and/or to the lack of emotional connection you are offering her. She knows something is wrong and she objects to being treated as an object for your sexual release. She also objects to your criticism that she’s not satisfying you sexually. She hasn’t changed, but your demands to engage in sexually degrading acts have progressed continually to uncomfortable levels. Your wife no longer feels loved and connected with you. She begins to protect herself by isolating emotionally from you. You once again experience the familiar, painful feelings of rejection and abandonment. You blame your wife, but you should be blaming the controllers - the merchants of porn that run Pimp Empire - the sexual abuse industry. Regaining your freedom of choice is very difficult if you don’t know that you’ve been manipulated and programmed. If you are unaware that your mind has been controlled and your sexual identity hijacked why would’t you think you were just ‘over-sexed?’ How can you take back your sexual freedom if you don’t know you’ve been robbed of it? The controllers have convinced you that sexually abusive behaviour is normal sexuality. Sexual abuse begins with thinking you are entitled to sexual access to a woman's body. You know these rules. You know they aren’t fair, but you've been told repeatedly by the porn merchants that a man is naturally entitled to sexual access. He is entitled to evaluate every female and rate her SAS value (SAS - Sexual Arousal Scale). That’s the way it is in Pornland. You were taught by the pimps that women come in two flavours. One likes sex and one type doesn't. You weren't lucky and your woman doesn't like it, when in reality, your partner doesn't like being treated like an unpaid prostitute, but you don't know that. So, you treat your partner as if she doesn't like 'sex.' Your mind begins to follow where your eyes have travelled. You see women advertising their bodies in sexually provocative attire. You might as well make the most of it. These woman want you sexually. You learn how to 'get them in the mood' by subtle strategies. You can manipulate a woman by flattering her about how attractive she is and you find that she'll often 'reward' you with sexual access to her body. If she's gullible, and believes your spool, that's on her. It seems unfair but women have used you anyway. You spend money on 'dating' them so they owe you. The porn merchants insist that you are entitled to some 'rewards.' And when women advertise their sexual interest by wearing revealing clothing, then they should be expected to follow through and not tease a man. At one time, you thought you would like to have a loving, honest, loyal relationship with a partner who is loyal to you, but the porn merchants have ensured that will only be in your dreams. And dreams don't come true in Pornland. Abuse is not loving. Abuse is emotionally devastating. Abuse is not ‘sexy.’ Abuse is disguised as sexual behaviour and the violence becomes invisible. How can you be sexually normal when you don’t know what normal sexuality is? You’ve been told that degradation is acceptable as long as there is consent, but that doesn’t sit right. Does consenting to be abused make the abuse any less abusive? What sort of person consents to be abused? An emotionally injured person will consent to be abused in a desperate effort to receive your approval – to avoid rejection and abandonment. But when someone consents for you to abuse them, that necessarily makes you an abuser and that makes you uncomfortable. An internal, emotional conflict builds a wall in your brain. The sexually abusive behaviour provides the dopamine/adrenaline hit that you crave, but you don’t sanction or enjoy the abuse of another person. You calm your thoughts that the abused person really must enjoy being abused and the porn merchants certainly nailed that objection. The abused actors are all instructed to present themselves in poses that deceive you into believing that they don’t object to your abuse. You can feel comfortable abusing them. The actors are smiling, enticing, urging to you on to abuse them. Their task is to convince your that they enjoy being robbed of their privacy, robbed of their dignity, humiliated, denigrated, dehumanised, threatened and injured. Your brain is forced to rationalise and accommodate the two opposing moral positions so you can justify and thus continue your abusive behaviour. You can continue to sexually abuse the person, because they are consenting and enjoying the abuse. The truth is, you know they are acting. You convince yourself that the abuse if not real. The victims are just images and you’re only masturbating to their images. Or you are paying the victims for their ‘services’ - you are paying them to let you abuse them. That must make everything okay – only it doesn’t and your mind knows it. The emotional conflict is tormenting. Your mind becomes emotionally torn. You believe that because you are ‘over-sexed,’ you ‘need’ the sexual release/relief but you don’t like ‘needing’ to achieve that relief by abusing another person/s. And the awareness that the abuse is intensifying is alarming you. But you are unaware that you are performing your programmed role exactly as planned by the porn merchants. You don’t realise that the controllers 'cash in' on your pain for financial gain. The more you suffer, the richer they become. Pimp Empire set up a pseudo-medication to temporarily numb your pain - but not to heal your wound. Healing your emotional wound would be detrimental to their business. The medication is designed to prevent the wound from healing while the parasitic force feeds off your attempts to ease your pain. So the controllers, the porn merchants, the pimps - designed you to be the demand in their enterprise. You were groomed to become their consumer. You will be the consumer or the commodity and the porn merchants will become rich as long as you continue to remain their ignorant slave. You can’t escape the clutches of the porn merchants if you are ignorant of their devices. There is a proven, way back to sexual freedom where the mind is free from triggers, free from sexual compulsion. There is a proven way to rebuild broken relationships. The way is possible and much less painful when both parties understand the dynamics that caused the betrayal of their sexual relationship. There is freedom when the mind rewinds and lets the truth set it free. |
You can't figure it out. It's like you've been gas-lighted* and everything is so confusing. That is how the controllers intended it to be for you.
You think you're normal but relationships always seem to end up hurting you. The intense feelings of being under-valued overpowers you. You don't realise you have been taken captive by the bosses - the porn pushers - the controllers of Pimp Empire. You are a prisoner in your own mind. You are making harmful choices that are putting you in danger. Your intimate relationships are becoming potent sources of insecurity and fear to you. Why are all your partners abusive and unfaithful? Why don't they value your uniqueness, your trust, you loyalty? Why do they constantly betray you, have 'affairs' and are on the look-out for other, more exciting connections? Why do they try to justify or explain their betrayal by saying, "It meant nothing. It was only sex?" You have been 'set up.' You have been manipulated to believe that emotionally detached sexual behaviour is normal. You became introduced to the concept, "You can look, but don't touch." That never sat right with you, because you wanted to be valued as unique, the 'Only One' in your partner's life. That's what feels safe, secure and normal, but you can't find that devotion in a partner anywhere. You are unaware that it's all part of the plan - and so is your response to that stressful situation of not being the exclusive and only focus of your partner's sexuality. You think you're not engaging in sexual foreplay when you dress in a predatory way to arouse a sexual response in the viewers in your audience. Just as a stripper intends to arouse her viewers for financial gain, so too do you dress in a provocative way in order to gain a power hit. You don't like this predatory behaviour to be labelled as 'sexually provocative,' but you have in reality weaponised your sexual organs. You don't recognise it, but your behaviour or thinking is in fact, sexual abuse of yourself and the viewers. Foreplay includes visual displays and enticement to arouse sexual interaction. Foreplay is a sexual act. The reality - the truth - is that your mind was taken captive in a battle you didn't know was raging around you. You didn't know that your sexual identity has been manipulated and stolen. The controllers attacked your sexuality in order to obtain your mind which is the 'prize.' You didn't know that you lost ownership and control of the development of your own mind. But when you perform as you have been programmed, you feel powerful for once. You are forced to justify your abuse and declare it is your right to do so. This justification is all part of the plan that you were programmed to perform. You want to gain love and respect, but you also need to feel powerful as you've been dis-empowered from the very beginning. It's not your fault that you unintentionally walked into an ambush that has been designed to fashion you into a commodity - an object to sell. You've been groomed by an expert pimp and that pimp intends to prostitute you and live off your 'earnings.' How did you get here? Why are you vulnerable to the porn merchants and pimps? You were emotionally wounded. You suffered a deep attachment injury that caused you to feel unwanted, not valued, not good enough, unloved. Like many other sufferers, you buried that wound deeply in a no-go zone. You can't even look at it because it uncovering it causes more pain than any wound you've ever had before. You don't realise just how deeply you are injured. You probably don't realise how that wound causes you severe pain and dominates your choices every day, particularly in the area of personal relationships. But despite not being consciously aware of your wound, you clutch at your pseudo-medication and you regularly anaesthetise your wound and temporarily numb your pain. You become addicted to and very dependant on your anaesthetic medication. You 'dress to kill.' You dress to impress. You become a sexual predator by visually raping unsuspecting people. You dress sexually provocatively so that the innocent viewer 'cops an eyeful' of 'Visual Viagara' and is forced to deal with your aggressive thrust of visual rape. You choose to wear high heels and a mini skirt to make your legs appear more shapely. Sometimes you choose form-fitting clothes to emphasise your body shape and curves and plunging neck-lines to put your bra/silicone enhanced cleavage on display. The make-up you wear is designed to deceive the viewer into believing that your face shape and skin is perfect. Your expensive hairstyle is worn with the same intention and dyed or tinted to attract maximum approval. Fingernails are painted. Everything on the outside of your body is artificial to deceive the viewer that you are physically perfect, without blemish and therefore of high value. You are working very hard to achieve your goal – receiving admiration from others, based on your outward appearance, but sadly, not on your character. You know that in order for any prospective partner to evaluate your character, you must first flag his attention by using your bodily appeal. Your intention is to present your body in its most alluring form in the hope that you will be able to sexually arouse the viewer. When you notice that the voyeur looks at you with admiration ie signs of sexual arousal, you receive a 'hit' of feel good, empowering neurotransmitters and hormones. Your visual Viagara was successful in evoking a demonstration of sexual arousal in the viewer and you feel empowered. You have something that the voyeur desires and so you continue to dangle it in front of his eyes. You're not receiving love, but you're receiving what you interpret as admiration, being desired, being valued, being good enough - but this is not the case. You are misinterpreting the signs. It's not YOU as a whole person, that the viewer is impressed by, but by your physical representation of sexual perfection. You are hot. You are inviting the viewer to interact with you on a sexual basis. You are advertising that you are sexually available, suggesting you are available for physical, sexual connection without the prerequisite of an emotional connection. You are in fact, regarded to be consenting to be sexually abused – emotionally detached, physical interaction. This situation is another form of prostitution, but the payment is not in dollars. The payment is in emotions. You feel powerful. You feel desired, worth some value at least to someone on a temporary basis. The drug of feeling desired is powerful and it becomes a game of numbers. The more admirers who are stimulated to ‘chase you,’ the more you feel empowered and desired – but the feeling is temporarily. While you are working the system to attract the sexual attention of many men, your girlfriends are doing the same thing. They have similar emotional wounds and they too are attempting to numb their pain with the pseudo-remedy. They try to make themselves more sexually appealing than you, so they can be the stunning beauty who steals the eyes of all the men in a room. And when the other ‘hot’ women steal your partner’s eyes, it hurts you. You are hurt and confuses you when your partner looks at other predators who are displaying their bodies as bait too. Wounded women don’t respect each other. They don’t unify themselves with non-sexualised clothing in order to prevent being sexually abused by men or to prevent being in competition with other women. They are all too desperate and need to medicate their own emotional wounds. If you decided not to wear provocative, predatory, sexualised clothing, you know full well what the outcome would be. Your hypersexualised partner’s interest would be your competition’s body. His eyes would be riveted to the visual Viagara. He would accept invitations to engage in visual foreplay emanating from your competition and he would neglect you. You would feel daudy, like an old-age pensioner. You would feel de-valued, undesired, rejected, abandoned and angry. And when you both went back home, your hypersexualised man would request ‘love-making’ ie he would request permission to use your ‘daudy’ body to find relief that your competition stirred up in his imagination and sexual organs. Your partner’s in a difficult situation. He can’t access the ‘hot’ woman’s body, but he’s hypersexualised and ‘needs’ sexual release. He has already accepted the predator’s invitation. He’s already fantasising about sexual interaction with her in his mind. He’s already betrayed your trust, but he tries to hide it from you because he needs something you’ve got. He needs you to permit him to access your body to be a substitute for the ‘hot’ woman’s body. His mind is focused on her body, while he is using your body. You are helping your partner betray you sexually. That is the price you would need to be willing to pay to be authentic, to be real. It’s a no deal. So it is clear that the only way to numb your intense emotional pain, is to convince your partner that others find your body desirable and that if he doesn't want to lose you, he had better focus his attention on 'protecting' 'what is already his' - your body - from other voyeurs. So the competition between women escalates as does the competition among men. You don't want another woman grabbing the sexual attention of your man, but you need to grab her man's sexual attention in order to keep your own man's attention on you. The need to be in competition with other women, isolates you from your women friends. And that is all part of the porn merchants plan. They have worked hard to prepare a strategy to groom you and to mould you into an unpaid prostitute. You are their commodity and you will be sold well before you are of legal age to be sexually abused. When you turn 18 you are too old to be protected by laws that are supposed to protect humans from being sexually abused. When you turn 18 years of age, it’s open slather. Anyone can sexually abuse you and claim that you gave consent to be abused. It’s no longer considered abuse, but abuse is still abuse whether it is inflicted on a child or on an adult woman. Choking, slapping, hair-pulling, being covered in bodily ejaculate and other bodily fluids is violence. Denigration, name-calling, robbing of privacy, robbing of dignity – these acts portray abuse. Why are they considered non-abusive when sexual organs are involved? You submit to these types of behaviour not because you enjoy being abused, but because abuse is familiar to you. You have been trained by the porn merchants that you must submit to the ‘Johns’’ requests/demands. Resisting the abuse will cause you to be rejected, abandoned, criticised, injured or perhaps killed. The porn merchants have taught you that your sexual satisfaction is not required, but it is your duty to ensure the man is satisfied. You are not worth the effort required to access your body, let alone to expect satisfaction. You can and should ‘fake it’ so that the man will feel adequate and that he is assured that he is indeed a wonderful sexual performer. You know these rules. You know they aren’t fair, but that’s where you’re at so you need to make the most of it. You can manipulate a man and if he’s rich enough, you can access more power. So the unpaid prostitute finally receives a financial pay-off. You would rather have a loving, honest, loyal relationship with a partner who is loyal to you, but the porn merchants have ensured that will only be in your dreams. Abuse is not loving. Abuse is emotionally devastating. Abuse is not ‘sexy.’ Fear is the absence of love and ‘perfect love casts out fear.’ Sexual abuse is not unselfish, considerate, kind, gentle or protective. It’s not safe emotionally. It is not safe sex. It’s not normal sex and a normal, loving relationship provides normal, safe and fulfilling sex. You want to be normal. You want to be desired by one special partner, but you don’t know how to find that man or how to be the woman who will attract that man. So the merchants, the controllers of Pimp Empire designed you to be their commodity. They will continue to market you and sell you for as long as you are saleable and profitable. The porn merchants will become rich as long as you continue to remain their ignorant slave. You can’t escape the clutches of the porn merchants if you are ignorant of their devices, but there is a proven way back to sexual freedom and sexual normalcy. You don’t have to pretend to enjoy posing and working for the pimping porn merchants as an unpaid prostitute, a porn ‘star’ or a stripper. You don’t have to manipulate a man to secure power either. There is a proven way to meet a loyal partner and if both partners are willing, to rebuild broken relationships. Partners can understand the dynamics that caused them to become slaves in the cycle of sexual betrayal that has damaged their relationship. You can both break free of the porn merchants if you desire. There is freedom when the mind rewinds and lets the truth set it free. . |