Many men are unaware than they can become addicted to porn. They think that looking at naked women's bodies without having an emotional connection is harmless and that it can't hurt them. This is a serious under-estimation of the power of porn over a man's mind. It is the same with a growing number of women also.
Porn can have a similar addictive effect to that of an addictive drug, only the addictive chemicals are those produced by the body itself.
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
A person who makes decisions with integrity develops what is called a 'good character.' This means the person can be depended upon to act honestly and morally. These people make decisions with integrity.
The motivation to act honestly and morally, originates internally. It is not from external pressure (people pleasing) that people with integrity choose to act in honest, moral ways. People with integrity choose to hold themselves to a standard of behaviour regardless of opportunity to misuse trust or to abuse another person. This is the principle that Jesus advocated, of 'doing unto others what you would like to be done to you.'
It is integrity that forms the basis of a person's character.
Ancient Bible writers warned about the importance of individuals having integrity. To act with integrity is to freely choose to do what is compassionate and right. To act 'right' is acting in accordance with the 'do unto others' principle.
Whether you are a follower of Jesus or not, it was His words and example that clarified the principle of integrity. In His words and life's example, true integrity is demonstrated.
To act with integrity is to love your neighbour and to love even your enemy.
What is 'right' is to act with integrity - to treat others respectfully - the way that you would like others to treat you, regardless of their actions to you.
Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Guard well the avenues of the soul.
Sexual and Emotional Integrity
The normal and healthy purpose of sex is to engage in the physical celebration of a pre-existing emotional, mutually loving connection.
Sex confirms the already established, emotionally intimate bondBASED ON TRUST, that the partners have developed over a period of time, through emotional and physical commitment to each other. This is a mutually exclusive relationship.
Sexual activity that occurs without a pre-established, stable emotional commitment, cannot establish a stable, emotional connection because TRUST is not developed between the two participants. Trust is vital in order to form the foundation for Love.
Many people with unaddressed attachment injuries misuse sexual activity in an attempt to 'feel' loved and to try to 'create' love or to 'fall in' love. Such attempts are dangerous and expose the partners to more emotional injury and often carry the risk of physical injury as well. Trust needs to be established and when it is present, so is safety for the participants.
The theme of the movie 'Pretty Woman' - where male lust hooks up with female treasure-hunting, and results in 'happy ever after' relationship, is simply is a lie and the conclusion doesn't transpire in real life. It is a far more likely outcome that lustful man despises himself AND the female treasure-hunter after the initial sexual interaction. It is far more likely that the female treasure-hunter feels more devalued than ever, less loved and less lovable than she did before the sexual abuse occurred.
Lustful sexual experiences are abusive of emotions. No-one walks away 'happy' and fulfilled because trust is not present. Fear of what the other person thinks about your value, is the driving emotion. "Was I good enough?" "Was I special?" "Will he/she now want to stay with me and have a relationship or did I just embarrass myself?" Fear rules and ruins the sexual experience. The man or woman might both become keen to put space between the other person and think, "How can I get rid of him/her?"
True sexual bonding is built on trust, not on fear. It takes time for trust to be built between two people. For this reason, sex needs guidelines to protect the partners' hearts and emotions.
Sex is not an entertainment, a sport or a business. Sex, if misused can have serious, negative consequences on emotional, relational, social, mental and spiritual health.
Porn is not a game. It is a weapon created to destroy you.
Integrity protects us. Trust protects the relationship bond. Sex celebrates the safe bond.