The so-called soft porn is not harmless. Porn, regardless of its type, is always harmful, always abusive because it always violates a woman's dignity and privacy.
Watch the video and learn the facts about porn and its causal relationship to violence against women.
"90% of men view pornography and 33% of women also view pornography. This has ominous and demographic implications."
The ACT is the centre for production and sale of X-rated pornography.
Kelly Ladin L'Engle PhD in peer reviewed studies
Why isn't it illegal to dehumanise Australian women?
Don't the porn merchants advertise to the consumers that 'porn will spice up your relationship' and inject some 'zest into your sex life? Research proves that's just another lie. "Porn is the ultimate emotional solvent." Dr Donald Hilton in Pornography and the Brain: Understanding the Science of Addiction and Recovery
Bill Margold's statement is incredibly outdated. There are many behaviours that male porn performers inflict on women to satisfy the viewers desire to see women not just humiliated, degraded and robbed of their dignity, but to see them suffer intense physical and mental abuse.
WARNING : The link below is to another website and shows extremely graphic and disturbing uncensored, racist and misogynistic content of video descriptions copied from porn websites.