Can you see the influence of porn here? Hypersexualisation of women and hypersexualisation of men. Women portray their bodies in a way that they intend will sexually arouse men, but then a woman complains when men reacts to her sexual invitations. She pretends that it's not an invitation, but it is. It is an invitation to become sexually aroused and to look at her with adoration & desire - which is what she is seeking. She is endeavouring to extort male approval based on her ability to arouse a man sexually. But the hypersexualised woman only wants to be looked at and admired. That's her reward, her power hit, her dopamine hit. She does not want the follow up of having to give the sexually aroused male an outlet for the desire she created. She complains about 'being undressed with his eyes', 'sexual abuse', being grabbed, being rubbed, being groped, being treated like a sex object etc when she is guilty of intentionally visually raping the males with the intent to sexually arouse them.
While that's not fair to men, it's also not justfied for a sexually aroused man to act on his hypersexualised response. He needs to train his mind not to respond in that way to being visually raped and emotionally sexually abused. When a man is no longer hypersexualised, he will no longer become sexually aroused by these kind of sexually abusive females.
In pornified societies, most women believe that hypersexualisation is normal sexal behaviour too, so we're not blaming people for not knowing that they've been set up to believe sexual abuse is just normal sexual behaviour. We're just pointing out that porn, in all its forms, is sexual abuse.