All the news items on this page contain a link where the original article can be located. None of these reports are the property of The news items here are listed for educational purposes only, to demonstrate the vastness of the problem of our pornified society. Links are provided to the original articles.
Schoolies Sex with Only Fans -Targets 18 year old males in Qld Australia
James Weirreports regarding Only Fans 'performer' Kay Manuel: “I’m here to have fun with all the schoolies,” she said. “It’s a cash cow.” It’s the second year she has done a Schoolies sex blitz that involves sleeping with as many graduates as possible."
The following diagram is provided as the opinion of and is not related to the Apple News Article, but is a comment in response to the article.
Imagine if the genders were reversed and older males were targeting female school leavers who had just turned 18 years of age. Would it be considered a 'rite of passage' into womanhood?
Are young Australian males not worth protecting? How do young Australian males - of school age - become so uneducated about forming relationships, respecting themselves and women, that they would think that having sex with prostitutes/OFs and having their experience put onto the world wide web, is an aim to be valued - and not exploitation?
A possible logical answer appears to be that porn was their educator. Porn has shaped their view of sex and sex without emotional connection has become accepted as if it was normal. Truly normal relationships involve respect for self and others. Normal sexual interactions are based on loving, mutually caring, emotionally intimate relationships, but porn teaches our young people that sex is sport, entertainment and a passage into 'manhood.'
Australian Human Rights Institute study finds 1 in 10 men has sexually offended against children
As many as one in five Australian men have had sexual feelings towards children, and/ or have actually acted on those feelings, by sexually offending against children.
These disturbing findings are from what's believed to be the largest ever study on the prevalence of child sexual abuse perpetration and attitudes.
Professor Michael Salter, lead investigator of the study at University of UNSW is interviewed by Grace Tame, founder of the Grace Tame Foundation and 2021 Australian of the Year. The interview was produced by Claire Slattery and Nancy Notzon and the audio can be accessed on the ABC Radio National website. The button below is linked to the audio interview on the ABC Radio National website.
Highlights of the Study
The study found alarming facts which reveal that:
"around one in six (15.1%) Australian men reports sexual feelings towards children
around one in 10 (9.4%) Australian men has sexually offended against children (including technologically facilitated and offline abuse), with approximately half (4.9%) of this group reporting sexual feelings towards children
the 4.9% of men with sexual feelings who had offended against children were more likely than men with no sexual feelings or offending against children to:
be married, working with children, earning higher incomes
report anxiety, depression, and binge drinking behaviours
have been sexually abused or had adverse experiences in childhood
be active online, including on social media, encrypted apps and cryptocurrency
consume pornography that involves violence or bestiality
Of the men who have sexual feelings, 29.6% of them want help for their sexual feelings towards children, which is 4.5% of Australian men."
It is obvious that more research into the connection between consuming pornography, and sexual offenses against children is urgently required. The question that is it only violent porn and bestiality porn that incites or motivates men to offend against children, or are other types of 'soft' porn also motivators?
At MindRewind, we suspect that childhood sexual abuse and emotional neglect/abuse combined with exposure to porn at a young age, create the emotional injuries that motivate or pressure porn addicts/consumers (both male and female) to commit sexual offenses against children or at least that the risk of offending in these cases, is far more likely than in those with secure attachments to parents and care-givers.
Urgent: Stop Child Access to Porn - Demand Age Verification for Pornography Sites (Australia)
The Call to Action: We, the concerned citizens of Australia, call upon our government to swiftly enact legislation that makes age verification mandatory for all pornography websites. We urge policymakers to collaborate with internet industry leaders and experts to develop robust and effective age verification technologies that can be implemented without compromise.
To sign the petition which was launched on 7 September 2023, click on the following button and also read the full article.
"Every year, one major porn website proudly reports its statistics from the previous year. They tend to display them as a badge of honor, idolizing the sex industry. But the reality is that it merely provides a more in-depth look into the darkness lurking on the internet.
The 2019 report found that:
On average, there were 115 million visits to the website per day. Let’s put those numbers into perspective. That would be the equivalent of every resident in Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, and Poland visiting on a single day. More than 1.3 million hours of new content were uploaded to the site. That’s enough content to last for 169 years. In other words, if you started watching the videos in 1850, you’d still be watching them today. 61% of visitors to the site are between the ages of 18 and 34 years-old. Worldwide, 32% of visitors to the site were female. The most common time to watch porn each week is Sunday nights around 11:00 pm."
Picture is not from the Soul Refiner website
27 December 2022 Opt-In Porn - Still Not an Option in Australia
A long message from Jack Sonnemmann, but a very important one!
Dear cherished friends of this ministry, we need your help.
The Australian (23 Dec 2022) contains an excellent article by Claire Lehmann, "Crack down on violent men to help protect women". The author is rightly concerned about the brevity of prison sentences given to men who commit sexual and violent offences against women and admits that only a small "subset of men" commit these violent and sexual crimes. But she fails to recognise and perhaps doesn't even realise that this small subset of violent men are all addicted to porn.
Like so many of her professional colleagues in the media, government and academia she overlooks the in-your-face cause of such horrendous violence... easy, free and unfettered access to hard-core, violent and abusive pornography. Way back in 1985 America's FBI found in their comprehensive study The Men Who Murdered all men imprisoned for violent offences - all of them - are "consumed by an addiction to pornography." It is their number one interest and is even so much worse today due to Internet porn.
Sarah Goldsby-Smith with Presbyterian Ladies College in Sydney writing in The Sydney Morning Herald 26 Feb 2021 is spot-on when she asks, "I do not understand why access to home Internet must simultaneously mean access to online pornography." I suggest the overwhelming vast majority of parents in Australia with children linked to their Internet accounts are wondering the same thing.
Dangerously illegal Internet porn invades our very homes today - and our children's minds - because our present government permits it, simple as that. The consequences of our government's apathy and indifference are devastating to our innocent children and we MUST force our government officials to do a better job!!!!
Our government officials should adopt simple Opt-in measures for Internet porn whereby anyone wanting an ISP to send porn imagery to their computer must apply for it.
Former Queensland Court of Appeal president Margaret McMurdo found "Mainstream heterosexual pornography often contains high levels of violence and female degradation." (Aust 14 March 2022) Degrading and violent porn are all illegal in Australia for very good reasons, yet our government gives its imprimatur to such dangerous (and illegal) imagery by allowing foreign-based, hard-core porn ISPs unimpeded access to all Australians, including our impressionable young schoolchildren, by streaming their noxious imagery through to our children's Internet-connected devices.
Commenting on the reported rape early last year of over 2,500 young, 13 year-old Aussie schoolgirls in Sydney's private schools alone, Nicholas Sampson, principal of the elite Cranbrook School, says it was clear that "easy access to pornography was perhaps the most 'pernicious and undermining' influence on his students."
Eminent Forensic Psychologist, Victorian barrister Dr Don Thompson says research confirms that "pornography is causally related to sexually violent behaviour." Official police spokesman on Domestic Violence, former NSW Asst Police Commissioner Mark Murdoch says porn use among our young men is "the fastest growing part of the problem of domestic violence" and former Victorian Crown Prosecutor Richard Read says there is "definitely a very clear link" between pornography and sexual violence. In fact, University of Calgary scientist Dr Claudio Violato writes in Medicine, Mind and Adolescence that "research in this area can move beyond the question on whether pornography has an influence on violence...". In other words, it is now a given in the scientific community that porn causes violence. Until we deal with the cause - porn - we will never effectively deal with or solve the problem of violence against women.
Ms Lehmann correctly asks "Just how seriously do our courts take violence against women?" I would add "and girls" to her query and suggest asking our government the same question. The government has blocked hundreds of illegal gambling Internet sites, illegal Internet movie streaming sites, etc, proving it can be done, yet it continues to turn a blind eye to Canadian-based PornHub, reputedly the world's largest hard-core Internet porn provider. PornHub, according to Australian media reports, streamed the rape of one of the abovementioned Sydney 13-year-old schoolgirls around the world with impunity and is rife with violent child/rape imagery and other dangerous, illegal imagery. PornHub and others like it must be blocked Down Under if we care about our children!
Ms Lehmann's article in The Australian on 23 Dec asserts "the primary goal of the justice system must be to keep the community safe." I agree and suggest that the government and justice system have failed us all by allowing our culture to be saturated with violent and degrading porn imagery. Sadly, the young Aussie schoolboys addicted to porn will grow up to become Australian men addicted to porn. The most vulnerable in our communities will continue to suffer the consequences of our apathy and indifference.
Please continue to stand with us in our righteous endeavour to better protect our women and children from the proven ravages of Internet porn. Sadly some are advocating the nice sounding "age verification" laws. This is a furphy and is most certainly not a Christian solution. There is no child in Australia - no child - who can establish a credit account with Telstra. The childrens' Internet connected devices are all linked to their parents' accounts. Remember, the Canberra X Rated porn video peddlers have a box to check on their order forms stating "I am over 18". This is government sanctioned age verification.
If we want God to bless our actions we must adhere to His rules. Age verification moves are NOT a Christian solution. Even if they can be implemented (which they can't) they allow anyone and everyone over a certain age - yet to be determined - to saturate their minds with hard core Internet porn. A Christian with a Biblical Christian Worldview cannot adopt this strategy as Jesus would reject it outright. We are to guard our hearts - and our minds - in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:7) We can pray for "age verification laws" all we like but God says we get what we pray for only if we pray according to His will. (1Jn 5:14)
The media saturation of the professional pornographers is too massive, their public relations firms are too pervasive, their lobbyists are too well-paid and their finances are too immense for us to fight them on their own turf. We must bring Jesus into the picture if we want to see His standard raised. Jesus only honours His Word, not our wants, no matter how well intentioned.
This is why when we contact our legislators we need to pray over our letters, emails, phone calls and visits. Ask them to ban ALL illegal Internet porn sites, all of them including PornHub. If the foreign Internet porn sites cannot adhere to our laws they should not be allowed to send their illegal imagery into our country.
Also the government should pass Opt-in laws whereby anyone wanting an ISP to send Internet porn imagery to their computer connected device must apply for it. The professional pornographers fear this move as it was successful in defeating the once ubiquitous Dial-a-Porn merchants in Australia. Children were passing these numbers around to their classmates, ringing them and running up thousands of dollars in phone bills. Prime Minister John Howard's Communications Minister Senator Richard Alston passed a law whereby anyone wanting the Dial-a-Porn service on their phone had to apply for it. This bankrupted the industry in Australia. Don't say we cannot win the war but we have to fight the battles to do it!
So many battles like this have been won by folks just like you and me bringing Jesus into this very dark picture. He is very concerned about the innocence of our children being violated by the pornographers and is also concerned about the negative impact of all porn on our adults. We can express His concern by writing a simple letter to those who "represent" us in parliament. Ask them to initiate Opt-in laws for Internet porn and block all illegal Internet porn sites - there are literally thousands of them!
Also, you can forward this letter to ALL your contacts!!! Our politicians are not necessarily principled but they can still count! Or, in the case of the Australian Labor Party politicians, they will have someone on staff who can count for them!
Margaret and I have been fighting - and winning - these battles against all odds for many years with many internationally recognised successes. We realise we cannot do it on our own, we need your help prayerfully, financially and practically. Just like yours, our bills need paying. Although we do all we can to remain financial - I am doing local handyman construction work, have a small firewood business and Margaret is selling her Aurora Chasers Handbook (Google it!) to raise funds - we can still use some help. Please help us if you possibly can.
Perhaps it is good at this time of year when we celebrate the most significant event in world history, the birth of Jesus, to celebrate a more porn free future for our children and grandchildren. Perhaps realising who we are in Christ, who came to give us power and authority over wickedness, we will all rise up and say no more? Is there a better time than now to bring Jesus into our culture, lift him up and see Him show Himself strong on our behalf? 2 Chron 16:9 says God is looking for such people. Margaret and I are also looking for Christians to stand solidly with us on God's promises which are not reasonable nor are they practical, they are miraculous!! Praise God!!
As God only honours His word we have to adhere to His standards to see lasting success. It is His standard that perseveres, not ours, but He does expect us to plant that standard firmly in our culture.
Thank you for helping us do just that! I want my daughter's eight daughters and one son to grow up and bless me for helping them inherit a culture in Australia more free from the pornographers' devastatingly immoral and dangerously violent influence. Our children and grandchildren are certainly worth the effort!
Every blessing for your help and encouragement.
Contact info for the PM, his Cabinet colleagues and all MPs is here: PayPal donations (accepts credit cards) ref: [email protected] or for Direct Deposit: acct: Australian Federation for the Family BSB: 014 672 Account number: 3841 08095 snail mail: Jack Sonnemann c/o Grove PO; Grove, TAS 7109 ph: 0488 460 404 e: [email protected]
28 June 2022 Why Are Visa And Mastercard Still Doing Business with Pornhub? Opinion in Newsweek on 6/28/22 AT 6:00 AM EDT LAILA MICKELWAIT FOUNDER AND CEO, JUSTICE DEFENSE FUND
Visa and Mastercard publicly announced that they would no longer support Pornhub after an investigation revealed that Pornhub distributed child sexual abuse material and nonconsensual videos. Pornhub monetised those videos with millions of advertisements which were paid for using Visa and Mastercard. It appears that the two financial companies are still supporting Pornhub's commercial activities through a type of 'back-door' arrangement that is less visible to the public. Author: Laila Mickelwait is founder and CEO of the Justice Defense Fund and the global #Traffickinghub movement. Follow her on Twitter: @lailamickelwait
Please recommend Opt-in legislation for Internet porn in Australia.
ISPs can, at present, send the most dangerous, hard core pornography directly to anyone's Internet-connected device in Australia, thereby exposing vulnerable children to its proven-harmful effects. Opt-in laws would only allow ISPs to send such imagery to those who apply for Internet porn.
Former Senator Richard Alston, as former Prime Minister John Howard's Minister for Communications, introduced and passed such laws pertaining to the widely-accessed-by-children Dial-a-Porn phone numbers. Some similar safety measure regarding children's unrestricted access to Internet porn should be adopted.
A Polish study, "Prevalence, Patterns and Self-Perceived Effects of Pornography Consumption in Polish University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study" published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(10),1861; agrees with other reputable research in asserting, "the new technologies have undoubtedly led it to new heights. It is now offered in almost unlimited sexual diversity via free-ofcharge online websites accessible through any device with Internet access, mostly in the form of video pornography, which was reported to be the most sexually arousing of all forms of explicit material [8,9]. The ease, diversity, and arousal strength with which online pornography can reach its consumers indicates that it may operate as a supernormal stimulus [10,11,12]. Some studies reported that long-term use correlates with erectile dysfunction, decreased libido [12,13,14,15], higher interest in pornography than sexual contacts with real partners [13,16], and lower sexual and relationship satisfaction [15,17,18,19,20].
"A recent study FMfcgxwGDNSxBHcSwGXqhPVFLnchBHph?compose=CllgCJTKWQGRlGxDcMkWwtnKvvmTLvSHnXMGdnmnzsrJrhtPrDPkBrzlxVZVfSxnzWr NTFLqRSB involving teenagers and their parents across the UK found:• * British teenagers are increasingly turning to pornography as an educational tool because schools do not tell them “what to do” in early sexual encounters, with teachers instead focusing on issues such as contraception. • * Most children had viewed pornography they found disturbing or overly aggressive, with many saying they believed it influenced how they behaved in sexual encounters and influenced concerns about body image. • * Viewing pornography has been normalised among children from their mid-teens onwards, with more encountering it on networks such as Snapchat and WhatsApp than on dedicated pornography sites.
ABC Radio in Australia reports compose=CllgCJTKWQGRlGxDcMkWwtnKvvmTLvSHnXMGdnmnzsrJrhtPrDPkBrzlxVZVfSxnzWr NTFLqRSB "A leading child protection expert has warned of a rise in the number of young children sexually abusing their peers in preschool and primary schools across Australia. Professor Freda Briggs of the University of South Australia has told the ABC that children as young as five are displaying problem sexualised behaviour. She says while international research shows it is happening more often, there have been no attempts to measure rates in Australia. Professor Briggs has recently written a report about the phenomenon for Taylor and Francis Online, which publishes scholarly journals and books.'Children of say six are sexually abusing children of five, and usually it is about replicating either what's happened to them as abused victims or that they've seen too much pornography and (they're) trying to do what they've seen the grown-ups do,' she said.
Professor Briggs is currently advising parents at an Adelaide school, where a group of six-year-old boys have been forcing five-year-olds to perform oral sex on them.”
A massive reduction of people applying to receive the Dial-a-Porn service occurred thanks to Senator Alston's bill whereby only those phones who actually applied for the service could access it. This is indicative of the fact that parents do indeed want their children better protected from unrestricted access to pornography. Children's Internet connected devices are invariably linked to their parents' accounts. Opt-in laws for Internet porn should be welcomed by the vast majority of these parents.
This is NOT a censorship proposal in that nothing is proscribed. This Opt-in provision simply gives parents the opportunity to better protect their vulnerable children from the proven harm caused by unrestricted access to Internet porn imagery.
Jack Sonnemann Australian Federation for the Family c/o Grove PO, Grove, TAS 7109 Australia
29 April, 2022 House of Porn
Addictions to pornography occur across all the population because porn is available across all the population. Porn is mysogynistic. Women don't need misogynisitic law-makers passing laws that are anti-women. Women need law-makers who respect all members of society equally.
6 April, 2022 Ty Gibson Encourages Healthy Self-Image for Women
Ty Gibson posted this encouraging message on his FB account on 6 April 2022.
MY DEAR SISTERS, You are beautiful with multi-dimensional beauty. I declare the liberty of Christ over you, deep inner freedom from our sick body-image-obsession culture. You are not a vacuous photoshopped cartoon of a woman. You’re the real thing. And you are amazing. Your unique personality, the twinkle of intelligence in your eyes, your perspectives on life, your beautifully wild spectrum of emotions, your delightfully weird sense of humor, your love for God and people—that’s who you are. Being healthy is a good goal. Being what the advertising industry, Hollywood, and Instagram dictate you ought to look like is not. You are superior to all of that as a single woman, a wife, a mother, a sister, a friend, a daughter of God. Hallelujah! Every man on earth should be in awe of you, and those that are not, are not worth a nanosecond of your mental energy. You don’t exist for them to look upon as an object of which they approve or disapprove. You exist to love and be loved for who you actually are. Your Brother in Christ, Ty
22 March, 2022 - Letter to the Australian Prime Minister
22 March 2022 Dear Prime Minister, Would you please block Internet porn sites that depict imagery, behaviour and activity that is illegal Down Under. As you have stated, in Australia, we have the “rule of law." Why should the internet available in Australia, ignore Australian laws? Raping children and women or even men is illegal in our country. Why is it when depicted on porn sites, considered 'harmless entertainment' when the facts do not support that conclusion? Porn incites mistreatment of women, children and others. Porn encourages the indulgence of self to the detriment of others. People don't have to be religious in order to understand this dynamic that we see played out in our society. More porn means more rapes. The scientific evidence is established beyond any doubt. We have these resources listed on our website as a community service. The necessary law would not be difficult to enforce than to require those who wished to see 'legal' porn to have to opt in to see it, just as it was done under John Howard's government with 'Dial a Porn'. By the way, all porn is abusive and violent toward women, so to legalise porn is to legalise abuse and objectification of women. Women should not be 'for sale.' That is called slavery and the women who perform voluntarily are often emotionally injured from childhood abuse or using porn to manipulate men to obtain their money and to receive a sense of being wanted and powerful. Porn produces a toxic environment where a woman' is educated to believe that her value is based only on her ability to sexually arouse males.
Internet porn imagery is so much more harmful to children than phone messages of Dial a Porn. In our service to community members who have become what is wrongly termed 'sex addicts' we explain how it is that being exposed to porn early in life, ambushes the young person's normal sexual development. Some of those whom we are assisting connect their initial unwanted viewing of porn as being a visual rape. They were exposed to images that they did not seek and though their minds were shocked, confused and in a panic, their bodies respond sexually to those images. This cascade of hormonal responses caused them to become 'anchored' sexually to stimuli they viewed in those porn images. Fetishes developed to objects, animals, abusive interactions. Continued viewing of porn eventually hypersexualises the viewer and they experience an imbalancing of the neurotransmitters, a nerual rewiring of the brain and compulsions. These changes are identifiable on brain scans in a similar way as are cocaine addicts brain changes.
Viewing porn encourages the viewer to develop a false sense of being empowered by abusing others sexually. If the child has experienced an emotionally or physically abusive childhood, where they were disempowered and unvalued, dangerous associations can be made in the situations created by porn. Men especially, project their resentment toward their abusive mothers but also abusive fathers, onto the abused or submissive women in the porn videos. The man, resentful of his childhood disempowerment at the hands of his mother or other authority, projects that hatred and resentment and a desire to get revenge onto the women in porn. It is a well known principle that 'by beholding we become changed.' Advertisements know this and repeatedly set their adverts before their target audience. Porn is practice for rape.
"Age verification laws" would not be successful in protecting children. Such a law would ignore the fact that the overwhelming vast majority of children who have access to and who view Internet porn, do so through accounts set up by their parents. The parents might have installed anti-porn filters but young people often understand how to navigate around those filters without their parents even knowing there is a 'way around' the filters. Also, the "age verification law" would be ineffective in preventing a young person under 18 from purchasing a pay-as-you-go phone because they can go to a library or McDonalds etc and access the free wifi there. They could still access internet porn in that way.
We used to have a society where we were forced to breathe nicotine addict's cigarette smoke. Thankfully, the government acted to protect the freedom of those of us who chose not to smoke. Today, we need protection from being exposed to mind pollution which is perhaps more deadly than nicotine to our society. The government will not allow those under 18 to purchase cigarettes, however it seems to pretend that porn is not addictive, not harmful and that it is not worth protecting children from developing the addiction to porn. Porn is addictive in the sense that it causes hypersexuality which results in compulsive sexual behaviour that the person does not want to have to perform, but 'must' in order to temporarily calm down the porn-induced neurotransmitter imbalances. This is a similar response that a nicotine addict has despite wanting to become a non-smoker.
I agree with the statement I read recently in Jack Sonnemann's material. He said: "Some ask, "They will still find a way to view porn so why pass these laws?" I ask, "Why pass any law?" Why have laws against theft if people still steal? Why have laws against guns, heroin dealing, rape, speeding, child molesting, trespassing, murder etc? The law should set a standard. Illegal Internet porn should be blocked. Until we come up with a better way to protect all of our children from international sex predators, our government should initiate Opt-in laws for all Internet porn. It really is that simple."
I could not agree more with those sentiments. Please reply as this letter will be posted on our website. Many thanks
The Reply
20 September 2021 - Experios Unique Experiences
Hi Experios Unique Experiences, Thanks for providing the escape room entertainment which is especially good to keep people in touch with each other during lockdown. Recently we booked the "Ben's Big Heist" room and my family of about 20 people joined in playing in 2 games. Some of my family members were as young as 5 years of age, and several young teenagers too. Everything was fine until we had to open the draw of a cupboard and were confronted with a Playboy magazine. This was not appreciated and neither was the lack of warning at the beginning of the game. There were also songs played on the game that were obviously referring to hypersexualised, pornified behaviour. We joined the escape game to celebrate my eldest son's 40th birthday. ..,we thought the game would be appropriate to choose for him. He is a practicing, registered theological minister. So is his brother (name omitted) who chose the game for his brother's surprise birthday party. (This brother) also runs seminars to help porn addicts escape their addiction. We also support a website called that offers porn addicts similar support to break their bondage to porn. You might not be aware of this, but placing the porn magazine in the escape room can be extremely triggering for porn addicts and their partners. It is also just offensive to women who understand that porn is the degrading of women so that men with poor self-images can feel powerful over them. Just as a smoker no longer has a right to puff smoke into your face, we don't appreciate it when society pushes porn onto those who would prefer not to have the abusive smut/smog blown into their eyes. That is a form of visual rape. The brain is the major sex organ and we didn't ask for ours to be messed with in the game. Please consider putting a WARNING on any game that contains items of visual or audio rape. We would like to receive a response from you so we can publish this on our website and so my son (name omitted) might also decide to pass on your answer to all the men and women who attend his porn addiction seminars. I will also report your answer to Jack Sonnemann who is president of the website "" Jack is Australia's most effective international speaker who addresses the Australian parliament on the effect of pornography on our society. He also sends out a newsletter to his many thousand supporters. He has had many businesses that support porn business/services shut down in Australia and hopefully will have many more closed down also in the future. Please show your support of Australian society by either removing the porn triggers from your escape games or by clearly labelling porn content with a warning. This would be much appreciated. This letter will be published on the website and a copy sent to Jack Sonnemman. If you reply, your reply will be included with either a thank you for supporting the right of Australian citizens to choose to be porn free, or as a business to avoid because of porn triggers. Many thanks. A concerned parent.
29 July 2021 PORNHUB and xHamster are Set to be Blocked in Germany
PornHub Set to be Banned in Germany Created: 29 July 2021
News just in from The Sun:
"PORNHUB and xHamster are set to be blocked in Germany after the sites' lack of cooperation in implementing age verification checks. ... It comes amid an ongoing campaign to have all pornographic websites in Germany implement age verification checks, with officials currently taking action against four major pornography websites, WIRED reported."
We have been asking the Prime Minister and federal MPs to block PornHub for years. Perhaps now that Germany is leading this charge to better protect their children our Prime Minister will follow. Morrison announces an 18 month long study into "age verification" laws for Internet porn. Don't be played like a fiddle. Go to Internet Porn and Children Raping Children in Australia and find out why this is simply kicking the can farther down the road. Just how many thousands of children will be raped and sexually interfered with during this 18 months (and who knows what this study will come up with?" and why aren't they worth better protection NOW by simply blocking illegal Internet porn sites like PornHub? Turnbull, who started Australian Playboy magazine Down Under and eulogised American pornographer Hugh Hefner as well as dances in and praises Sydney's televised yearly promotion of homosexual sodomy, says his greatest political achievement was establishing same sex marriage as the law of the land. ScoMo, Malcolm Lite, need not continue in Turnbull's footsteps.
Remember it was Malcolm Turnbull who set up the inept eSafety Commission in Australia. Here's how the commission works: After a small child has been coerced by Internet porn into being sexually molested and after the imagery has somehow been found and after that image is sent to the eSafety Commission and after the commission looks at the imagery and after the commission decides whether or not it is somehow offensive will they then decide whether or not to block the imagery. Is that acceptable to you? Why not simply block illegal Internet porn sites?
Australia has already stopped illegal Internet gambling sites and illegal Internet movie streaming sites, proving it can and is being done. Why not block illegal Internet porn sites?
Click on "Take Action" and scroll down to "Politicians" and ask the Prime Minister to follow Germany's lead and block PornHub. Leaders lead, followers follow. Scott Morrison, or "Malcolm Lite" as he is also known, has refused all requests from the Australian Federation for the Family to block this Canadian based Amsterdam owned Internet porn giant who send images of children being raped around the world. He can easily stop them from sending their child/rape imagery into Australia. Perhaps he will listen to you!
To find out why PornHub and other illegal Internet porn sites must be blocked in Australia simply go to: Internet Porn and Children Raping Children in Australia
As always we rely upon the generosity of our readers to help us fight this 'winnable war'. We will never win the war if we do not fight the battles. Please help us if you can and please keep in touch!
Every blessing,
Jack Sonnemann
PayPal donations (accepts credit cards) ref: [email protected] or for Direct Deposit: acct: Australian Federation for the Family BSB: 014 672 Account number: 3841 08095 snail mail: Jack Sonnemann c/o Grove PO; Grove, TAS 7109 ph: 0488 460 404 e: [email protected]
24 June 2021 - Stop the Rape of Australian Children
Jack Sonemman has been actively pushing to have Australian school children protected from rape and sexual assault. Submission to the Online Safety Bill 2021 and Online Safety (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill, Feb 25 2021, documented more than 2,500 testimonies from girls as young as 13, reporting a serious sexual problem caused by easy access to Internet porn “particularly in Sydney’s private all-boys schools, where students would allegedly rape or assault girls from other private schools...”. Highlighted in the story is the fact that at least one of the sex assaults and rapes has ended up on Pornhub, a mega-giant, Canadian based, Amsterdam owned Internet porn provider. Nicholas Sampson, the principal from one Sydney private school (Cranbrook School mentioned several times), is quoted as saying it was clear that “easy access to pornography was perhaps the most ‘pernicious and undermining’ influence on his students.”Pornhub has freely sent child/rape images into Australia and now is sending child/rape images of our own Australian children being raped across the world.
May 2021 - Your Brain on Porn Founder Dies
25 March 2021 Sex addiction in Turkey: A large-scale survey with a national community sample
Utilizing hierarchical regression analysis, sex addiction was associated with being male, being younger, having a lower education level, being single, being an alcohol and nicotine user, psychiatric distress, low personal wellbeing, positive and negative affect, alexithymia, and anxious attachment.
Porn merchants escape being credited by porn addiction again.
"The Australian Federation for the Family (AFF), on behalf of its members is calling for the government to act in the best interests of our women, girls and schoolchildren and immediately block the Canadian based Internet porn Service Provider Pornhub. Just as an indication of how offensive Pornhub is, the world’s major credit card facilities, including but not limited to MasterCard and Visa, have refused to process further credit card transactions from Pornhub. AFF is also advocating for Opt-in legislation, similar to the type that was instrumental in defeating the Australian based Dial-a-Porn merchants, whereby ISPs can no longer send dangerously offensive pornographic material to any computer connected device that has not specifically requested it. We have been asking Prime Ministers, MPs, Cabinet Ministers and Senators to do this for many years.
Jack Sonnemann with the Australian Federation for the Family has prepared numerous submissions to parliament and has appeared in public, media and professional forums internationally documenting the proven link between pornography and sexual aggression. They are all accessible on his website at and contain data from scientific conferences, medical journals, peer-reviewed studies, meta-analyses, international reports, police studies, media stories and personal testimony about the harm caused by porn and is willing to appear before any forum to document the truth about porn."
Prepared by Jack Sonnemann, Director, Australian Federation for the Family, c/o Post Office, Grove, Tasmania 7109, [email protected]
23 February, 2021 - Uprise is teens taken from homes by sexual predators
Dramatic rescue footage shows a sheriff’s deputy finding a missing teen in a motel room.
16 February, 2021 Children accessing porn at school via smart phones
Rumble— In addition to the distraction of TikTok, Queensland school children have been using alternate hot spots to bypass the filtered school Wi-Fi and access porn. (Ch 7 News, Brisbane, 16 February 2021) To view the video click the following link: (To view the video, you must have an account with Rumble)
28 January 2021 Pornhub sued for providing videos of child rape and child pornography. Pornhub - overnight - removed 10,000,000 videos - 80% of its content.
Pornhub sued for $52 million in damages by 40 victims of GirlsDoPorn sex-trafficking operation
6 November 2020 Woman Beaten to Death by Sex Offender
What factor socially condition a man to the point where he decides to commit such a heinous and violent act against a woman? Porn? We have no evidence, but we believe it's not outrageous to suspect that the influence of a pornified society had nothing to do with the commission of this crime.
17 Year old Male Rapes 17 Year Female - No Jail Time ACT, Australia
"An elite junior sports player who raped a fellow teenager in the back of a car after an 18th birthday party will not spend time behind bars. .... The court accepted that the girl had repeatedly said no to oral sex and then to sexual penetration and that the boy continued until she stopped resisting, turned her head and cried.... Handing down his reasons for the sentence, Justice David Mossop said the offender had been, "at the least, reckless to consent", but noted he was also satisfied that the offender did not persist when it became clear to him that the victim was upset to the point of tears." By Peta Doherty, ABC News
So are we to believe that if a woman says 'NO' it is interepreted to mean the rapist can continue raping her until she gives up and cry tears of complete powerlessness?
17 Sept 2020 - Qld, Australia - Childcare worker, 39, is the accused ringleader of a paedophile ring responsible for the abuse of dozens of boys, girls and dogs over 15 years - sharing the vile abuse with three others who have also been charged
"A former childcare worker has been accused of being the leader of a paedophile ring where his own children, siblings and dogs were allegedly abused. The Townsville father, 39, was arrested on Thursday and charged with 104 child sex offences. His alleged offending happened between 1995 and 2020. He is also accused of taking images of his victims and distributing them over a number of years. Detective Senior Sergeant David Miles said a two-year-old girl, who was allegedly one of the victims, was rescued from a home in Cairns earlier this week. Senior Sergeant Miles said the young girl was allegedly 'passed around as a result of exchanging of drugs'." By KELSEY WILKIE FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIAPUBLISHED: 15:07 AEST, 17 September 2020 | UPDATED: 16:06 AEST, 17 September 2020 Video link: (link no long works as the video might have been archived)
4 Sept 2020 - Qld, Australia - Woman on Child Sex Offence Charges
Qld, Australia A Glenview woman, charged with a list of disturbing offences including indecently treating a child and creating child exploitation material will go to trial in the supreme court after fronting a Caboolture magistrate today. (4 Sept 2020) (article archived, link no longer works)
5 June, 2020 - Australian Pedophile Ring - 9 Arrests; 14 boys aged 4-7, rescued
The following is extracted from the ABC News report 5 June 2020 . Australian Federal Police (AFP) have arrested nine men in relation to an alleged child abuse network that was filmed, photographed and shared online.
Police described the investigation as the biggest and "most horrific" child-exploitation ring ever uncovered in Australia
Police say 14 children have been saved from harmful situations
It's alleged the men met on the dark web and communicated via an encrypted app
Releasing details of the investigation it said operated across three states, the AFP said 40 charges had been laid. At least 14 children have been removed from harmful situations.
"The victims are getting younger and younger [and] this type of offending is becoming more violent and brazen." Assistant Commissioner Gale said all victims were boys, aged between four and seven years old.
"Mr McMullen described his clients as "completely normal", claiming some even come to collect their dolls with their wivesbut admitted later that many of them choose sex dolls because they cannot form relationships with ordinary women."
This statement would tend to suggest that men who purchase the robotic dolls are afflicted with an inability to make emotionally intimate connections.
In this youtube video, the narrator states, "Men are already falling in love with Samantha' - robotic sex doll who gives 'love.' Here we see the intentional misapplication of the words 'sex' and 'love.' It is impossible to have genuine 'sex' with a robot as genuine sex requires the development of a genuine, intimate relationship. A robot is unable to love and it is only love that heals the pain of not being loved. (WARNING - TRIGGERING PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES)
ABC NEWS In her National Geographic series, "America Inside Out," Katie Couric learned about the world's first sex robot, Harmony. - 1/4 of all men surveyed said they would consider having 'relations' with a 'sex' robot (3:50 mins into the video) (WARNING - TRIGGERING PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES)
18 August 2020
Disney features bisexual main character in new ‘Owl House’ kids’ show. The show is about a girl trying to become a witch.
Extracts from the article: The influential pro-homosexuality and pro-transgenderism lobby group GLAAD praised the Disney Channel for its show. “We’re excited about the LGBTQ-inclusive storytelling in Disney Channel’s new animated series #TheOwlHouse, which is portraying an inclusive, fair, accurate, and age-appropriate world through the representation of its characters,” the organization wrote. While The Owl House is the first show on the Disney Channel to feature a homosexual or bisexual main character, the once family-friendly company has been pushing homosexuality and gender ideology for years.
Drag Queen Story Hour UK reveals true colors with ‘love has no age’ tweet
The organization quickly deleted the tweet after backlash.
The tweet contained a photo of a smiling man wearing a rainbow suit and wielding a rainbow umbrella with the phrase “Love has no age!” Before people start defending the tweet as innocent, UK Drag Queen Storytime promptly deleted it a short time later as people started to point out the phrase, which is frequently used by pedophiles (a riff on “love has no gender”) who are attempting to rebrand as “MAPs” or “minor-attracted persons.”
Tinder date who strangled British backpacker Grace Millane says his life sentence is too long because the judge focused on him watching porn and photographing her body
Life-Like Child Sex Dolls for Sale on The group CitizenGo "joined in with other advocacy groups and launched a petition calling on multi-national shopping platform to immediately remove vile life-like child sex dolls on sale."
Their positive action provoked a positive result. Here is their report.
"Not long after our petition launch we received information that Collective Shout, who originally launched the investigation into the sickening 'products’, was successful in pressuring Alibaba to remove them. This is a massive win in the ongoing fight against child sexual exploitation globally. Alibaba has said it will be working to prevent this from happening in future. We were expecting it would take much longer to see a resolution to this issue, so this is a great outcome. We would like to thank our CitizenGO supporters who lent support to this important cause by writing to Alibaba directly or signing our petition. Thanks for all you do! Caleb Stephen and the team at CitizenGO"
9 July 2020
Teenage Girl Allegedly Molested as she Slept (Australia)
"The home is the number one crime scene in our society and the 'family man' is our most dangerous organised criminal," Monash University Criminology Professor Jude McCulloch told AAP on Tuesday. "If you say those things it's quite shocking, its sounds hyperbole, but it actually demonstrates the empirical evidence. "That's the degree of seriousness with which we should view family violence."
22 June 2020
Former High Court Judge - Sexual Harassment aAllegations
20 June 2020
Women Locked in Cages
In 1971, a movie called, Women in Cages was released. It was a sexploitation film like many others which have been released onto the public by the myogynistic organisation Hollywood, with the effect of subdueing and disempowering women through sexual abuse. The existence of sexploitatitive movies and their release should be a cause for serious objection by men and women everywhere, and yet when we realise the extent of the PIMP EMPIRE's reach, we can understand why men and women have not risen up as a mighty group to denounce the sexual abuse.
Why do so many males find it sexually arousing to see naked women sexually abused, raped, tortured and killed? Why is the theme of porn based on removing the dignity of women? Why does the incessant desire to denegrate, humiliate, disfigure and sexually abuse women control the theme of porn? If porn was just about 'sex' there would not be the 'need' to assault the women. But far from meeting any 'sexual' needs, porn aims at meeting the need of emotionally and intimately injured men to disempower women - most notably, men with emotional attachment injuries who confuse nurturing with sexual interaction.
Why are men threatened by women's power? Because women have the power to abandon and reject a man in the intimate areas of his life. A woman can turn him down when he asks her to dance. She can laugh at him when he asks her for a date. She can scorn his inability to perform sexually. All those rejections hurt. The pain might also remind him of all the times his narcissistic or emotionally absent mother failed to meet his emotional needs as a child. Emotional rejection and/or abandonment and childhood abuse have been known to trigger men and more rarely women into becoming sexual serial killers and this fact is well documented. A landmark study of 50 serial killers found that childhood abuse was more prevalent in 'lust serial killers.'