Porn-Free Partners is an on-line internet introduction service designed to introduce people to others who, like them, have declared themselves to be free of porn addiction or other abberant sexually abusive behaviours. The basic principle is Love as shown by Jesus Christ.
The only people qualified to become members of Porn-Free Partners are those who have:
registered for membership with
completed the survey (results are anonymous and not visible to admin)
completed the Porn Identification & Recognition Questionnaire (results visible to website admin)
completed reading the material on the MindRewind website and answered the Basic Information Test.
passed the "How Pornified am I?" self test and
declare themselves to be trigger-free according to the definition on the website.
Members who wish to meet other porn-free, trigger-free members, can request that their name and contact details be made available for listing in our Porn-Free Partners group.
Members can request their name to be added to the list available on listed as a Porn-Free Member seeking contact with another Porn-Free Member.
Porn-Free Partners will provide a service for those porn-free members who wish to meet a partner who is also porn-free and who is free of sexual obsessions or sexual compulsions. It is also designed to help members of to identify possible narcissistic traits in prospective members. MindRewind does not identify narcissists, but tries to educate others to be aware of becoming involved with a narcissist.
Porn-Free Partners can not guarantee that any of its members are indeed porn-free and free from sexual obsessions or sexual compulsions, however we have listed those members of who have studied the material on our site and who have proclaimed their adherence to sexual purity. People can and do lie, so the members of must still be cautious and prayerful in their choice of prospective partners.
Disclaimer Porn-Free Partnersand takes no responsbilities for any harm caused to those who become members of Porn-Free Parnters. Members and all others participate in the group and interact on the website at their own risk.