Asking governments to control online access to porn brings with it inherent dangers as governments can overstep the boundary between protection and stifling freedom of speech.
There are many popular arguments made by porn pushers, as to why the government should not try to restrict access to porn and to seek its protection under the guise of 'free speech' when it is in fact simply sexual abuse. When porn is seen as sexual abuse, those 'free speech' arguments can be seen to dissolve into the disrespect and sexually selfish principles that underpines all of porn. There is nothing normal about delighting to see another human being stripped of their dignity, treated without love or respect and completely objectified.
The Christian Institute in their article - the Oneline Safety Bill, presents vital arguments and extremely well researched and documented information about true freedom of speech and its protection as contrasted with sexualised violence online. To access the entire article, click on the button below.
Thanks to Jack Sonnemann for circulating this article through his organisation, Australian Federation for the Family ('s extensive mailing list.
Whle the Christian Institute is concerned with the current situation in USA, a similar situation exists in Australia. If you agree with the basic principle that adults and children should be able to use the internet without being sexually abused, please take action AGAIN and consult with your local, state or federal member. Jack Sonnemann's website has all the links to contact Australia's parliamentarians/representatives.