Porn teaches men and women to objectify each other. Since men were the income earners in the 1950-70's, they were particularly targeted by the porn merchants. Because men were the main income earners, they were considered to be more powerful economically than housewives, so men were especially targeted and programmed to be consumers of porn. The 'product' was female bodies. However the income earners are now comprised of both male and females, so the porn merchants are currently targeting women and girls to hypersexualise them so that they too can join the ranks of their other sexually-addicted long-term customers.
Traditionally women were the 'product' or 'commodity' that porn-programmed men would purchase. Men were brainwashed to believe that objectifying a woman was 'natural' and that it only proved that the male had a 'high libido.' Men were trained to perform this amazing feat by dehumanising and depersonalising a woman. Porn insists that her needs, her wants, her uniqueness as a person, should not enter into the conscience of the male consumer. He must be convinced that the normal response to seeing a female is to objectify her. He focuses on her body and mentally isolates her personhood - her mind, her character, her personality do not exist. The pornified, hypersexualised male is only interested in the woman's body. So the man begins to evaluate her body. He rates her breasts - too small, too saggy or perhaps bigger than life. He rates her buttocks - too big, too small. He rates her face, her legs, her hair, her shoulders. He spends all his energy rating her ability to sexually arouse him. He values her only on this one trait, which is what this man wants to take from the woman. Porn does not prompt the man to evaluate his own body realistically in the same severe manner that he is trained to evaluate the female's body. He is only concerned with taking from her, not with giving to her. In his mind, the female is there to serve him as the powerful Lord of his fantasised imagination.
Sadly, as he continues to indulge in viewing porn, if the man is married or in a committed relationship, he also evaluates his wife based on her body and physical appearance. He becomes more selfish, which is of course, the primary principle of porn. "I'll serve myself first and others should serve me too!" He develops an attitude of being entitled and it is manifested as he becomes self-indulgent sexually. He begins to become more 'independent' of his wife; less inclined to try to satisfy or reassure her of his loyalty and affection. Eventually he expresses to his wife, his negative evaluation of her body. "You've let yourself go." "You need to lose weight." "You can't blame me for looking elsewhere 'coz you ruin the view."
Don't buy the porn lies ladies!
Porn 'relationships' are not focused on giving to the other person. They are based on taking from the other person. The male typically purchases the female product. Even when the male watches 'free' porn, he still transacts with the porn images. He believes he is entitled to satisfaction by using the female bodies he is viewing. He expects to receive the product he seeks on the various websites, despite not making a monetary contribution. Whether money is exchanged or not, the process of isolating and finding the right 'slave' begins. The process necessarily demands that the man dehumanises the 'product' (the woman). He feels entitled to 'enjoy' the purchased/selected object.
What makes porn 'work' is that the customer is discouraged from thinking of the woman as a person or how her life might be unfolding when off the porn set. Does she have children? Does she have a husband, partner or boyfriend? Does she have a drug addiction problem? Is she being trafficked? Is her pimp standing nearby threatening her to perform? Is she mentally stable? Is she narcissistic? Is she manipulative? Is she suffering from emotional trauma from being abused as a child - an extremely common finding in 'sex workers.' Normal concern and empathy for another human being is not encouraged in the porn industry. It is an industry that appears to attract and develop narcissists and those who specialise in the skill of manipulation. Self is a powerful King. Self is a powerful Queen. It's just that neither the King or Queen are happy because they are devoid of emotional connection despite any physical intimacy.
As it has been throughout the ages from the fertility religions of the past to present times, societies have been pornified. Today the more that men become addicted to porn, prostitution and the 'sex industry,' the more their female partners feel the emotional and physical disconnect. She notices his wandering eyes as he stalks attractive women on TV, in the street or at the beach. She realises that he is indulging in private evaluations and admiration of other women's bodies and that she has lost her husband's attention and devotion. She used to be his unique, special one but now she feels devalued by her husband.
The wife becomes alarmed because she realises that their sexual relationship is no longer exclusively shared between her and her husband. He has changed, but she wonders, what caused the change in his mind? It hurts his wife when her husband no longer takes the time to express his love to her with kind words that reassure her of his commitment to her.
The culprit is very often porn.
Porn has taught the husband that he can ignore her unique feminine sexual arousal system and he erroneously believes that she should be able to respond physically 'like a man.' She should like hard, fast, rough 'sex' that is fuelled by adrenaline, not by the tenderness of masculine love. Her husband begins to insist that his wife 'takes too long' to become aroused and he simply can't be bothered putting in the 'effort' to pleasure her. He reasons that she 'should' orgasm while he is getting his fill just like the porn performers (pretend to) do. She 'should' be willing to let him penetrate without any foreplay. He believes that the sexy porn 'stars' don't 'need' foreplay before penetration, so his wife is obviously less sexy or perhaps even frigid if she doesn't want to participate the way he dictates their now pornified, sexual interaction. Then porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) strikes the husband and yet again, he believes it has happened because his wife is not as 'sexy' as the porn performers to whose images he is enthusiastically masturbating. So he increases pressure on his wife to become more sexually daring, to participate in unusual or even degrading acts. If she resists, he reminds her that he 'can get it somewhere else.'
The wife is now objectified by her husband - and she's convinced that she is not valued as much as his other porn performer objects. She feels disempowered, hurt and angry from his betrayal of her trust.
As the wife realises that her husband is dissatisfied with her sexually, she is alarmed. She might try harder to please him, but the ED causes real problems that he blames her for. She might check his history on the computer and learn that her husband has developed some alarming sexual preferences or fetishes. Some wives will have different reactions, but most often the wife feels devastated to discover her partner's porn usage. She often feels physically inadequate when she compares her body to those of the often surgically-altered porn performers' bodies. Her self-confidence plummets and she goes into emergency mode. How can she compete with the porn women?
She thinks of getting a new hairstyle, new sexier clothing, going on a diet or even the drastic step of having surgical intervention to 'improve' her own body's sexual attractiveness. But it's not worth it! It might well be a health endangering decision.
The pressure to be loved, valued and accepted as being special and unique is intense and many millions of women from all ages from 18 to over 70 pay for breast enhancement/augmentation surgery and endure the pain and health risks.
Top surgical cosmetic procedures worldwide 2020
Published by Frédéric Michas
17 January, 2022
Silicone breast implants are extremely toxic to a woman's health, especially if she has genetic variants such as MTHFR, MTR and COMT that reduce her ability to detoxify heavy metals and other toxins.
How much emotional pain must a woman suffer to willingly submit to have such powerful toxins put in her body? We should not under-estimate how painful it is to be told repeatedly, that you are not 'good enough.'
On 17 February 2022, Robert Draughon of Oil-Testimonials sent out an email to alert women to the inherent danger of having breast implants. He wrote the following: Functional nutritionist and wellness expert, Diane Kazer, explores the toxic truth about breast implants. She provides proven strategies for overcoming breast implant illness symptoms. Your worth, your purpose and your heart are much bigger than the implants that are blocking it!
Here are some startling statistics that Diane has researched:
There have been ZERO long term studies by the FDA to support safety of implants.
Breast implants are filled with 30+ toxins like heavy metals, neurotoxins, carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.
Women with implants have higher incidences of leaky gut, food and chemical sensitivities, chronic candida and bacterial infections, estrogen dominance and hormonal imbalances, sex, hormone deficiencies, skin issues and more.
Women with implants are FIVE to SEVEN times more likely to be taking antidepressants.
Stillbirths increased by 450% in the women with implants who became pregnant.
Within the first THREE years, 50-75% have major complications, such as pain, infection, hardening, or the need for additional surgery.
Women with any kind of breast surgery are at least THREE times as likely to have an inadequate milk supply for breastfeeding.
They all bleed, leak or rupture eventually: Between 3-9% break within the first three years. By around 11-20 years, most will break. After 20 years, the few that are still intact will break. In a study conducted by FDA scientists, most women had at least one broken implant within 11 years, and the likelihood of rupture increases every year.
Watch Diane Kazer's 10 minute video on her website in the link below.