The Sexual Abuse Industry - the Porn Merchants - set you up!
Why should you feel ashamed of being intentionally and maliciously set up without your knowledge?
Don't wear the shame. Don't wear the blame.
We don't blame people for doing things that they didn't know they were harmful and for not realising that they were programmed unconsciously to do.
Even the Creator 'winks' at selfish behaviour that is done in ignorance.
Acts 17:30 "In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent."
The Brain's Response to Porn
Dr Donald Hilton, neurosurgeon, was interviewed by Kristen Jenson, the founder of Defend Young Minds, also the author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of read-aloud books, and the Executive Producer of the Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum. In the interview, Dr Hilton explains how the brain is effected by viewing porn. Both animals and human beings can be manipulated through stimuli to become sexually aroused to things that ordinarly would be repulsive, disgusting and repugnant to the target. This is how the Porn Merchants of the Sexual Abuse Industry use porn images to anchor sexual arousal to violence and degradation that is perpetuated on women, gays, children and animals.
When we realise that a certain behaviour is not normal, natural or healthy, and that it is in fact, harmful to others and to ourselves, we do have a responsibility to stop the selfish behaviour.
Stopping selfish behaviour that has become a compulsion, can be hard IF you don't understand how the compulsion/addiction was formed. Learning the truth truly does set you free from the chains of compulsion. Freedom begins with recognising the lies that you were taught growing up as a member of pornified society.
Those people wanting to be free are now able to 'unlearn' the lies with which porn has educated society. It can be impossible only if you don't learn the truth or if you don't have a desire to be free.
We can understand how the brain was manipulated to anchor sexuality onto to disgusting, repulsive and repugnant stimuli and we can be free of the compulsion.
But it's not impossible to break the anchor or sexual addiciton. We just need to understand the truth and to put all the pieces together. When you do put all the pieces together, and understand the intentional manipulation inflicted upon society, it might well be horrifying, especially when you realise how pornified our society has become - how it has normalised sexual abuse.
How can we be so blind to the horror of what the Porn Merchants are doing to our concept of normal sex?
If you have developed fetishes or if you think you are a 'sexual deviate' or a 'sex addict' etc please know that there is help. If you feel that your sexuality has been hijacked to respond to abnormal stimuli please know that these situations can again become repugnant to you. We can state this confidently as we have seen the results in many people who were 'addicted' for decades but who now are free in body and mind from the clutches and 'temptations' of porn.
Natural and normal curiosity about sex is perverted by the Porn Merchants and used to manipulate children and young people. While curiosity is normal in childhood, participation is sexual activities is not appropriate for children. By stealthily introducing children to porn images, the Porn Merchants groom the children to become future customers and addicts. Children are tempted to explore their sexuality far too early for their emotional and mental maturity and as they become youth, they tend to become hypersexualised and wander outside of the protective boundaries of a safe relationship. A safe environment is an age appropriate loving, caring, exclusive relationship that has been nurtured and protected by love.
Sexual acts involve becoming vulnerable to another person.
When a person subjects themselves to a 'hook-up' sexual experience, they are extremely vulnerable. Prostitutes used hook-up encounters and are often insulted, mistreated, beaten and even murdered. Casual sex is not 'a great time with no ties.' Even words can hurt and injure a person badly.
The irony is obvious - why take the risk of making yourself extremely vulnerable in a situation where you are extremely unsafe? We need to protect ourselves. High adrenaline levels are not an indicator of sexual excitement, but of danger. We don't need high adrenaline levels to have satisfying sexual experiences; we need adrenaline to respond to fearful and potentially dangerous situations.
Adrenalised, hypersexualised sexual encounters do not make for a mentally, emotionally relaxing or invigorating physical experience. It's a Clayton's -type of being vulnerable. You take all the risks, but don't get to taste the real reward of a bonded, emotionally safe, loving sexual experience.
"Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, (to) see things from their point of view, and (to) imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they are feeling."
Affective Empathy - the ability to respond to other people's emotions appropriately Somatic Empathy - the ability to feel what another person is feeling Cognitive Empathy - the ability to understand someone's response to a situation
In order to be able to 'appreciate' and 'enjoy' viewing porn, it is necessary that the viewer be trained to extinguish their empathy when it surfaces. Porn viewers must learn to accept that women/men/children/animals are sexual objects to be used without compassion. To facilitate this necessity, porn merchants/porn producers focus intensely on portraying the porn submissive actors as enjoying their humiliation or having a neutral response to the attacks on their dignity and physical pain from being injured. Many ex-porn actresses particularly share personal testimonies of being told they will have to repeat a scene until it looks on film as if they are enjoying being sexually abused.
The strategy of making the porn actors appear to be enjoying being abused and humiliated, is put in place especially to PREVENT the porn viewer from developing feelings of empathy for the performers. If it appears that the porn actress is giving consent to the abuse and actually enjoying the abuse, then there is no activation of the conscience to alarm the viewer. The porn viewer slowly loses empathy when he/she views sexual abuse taking place, which then deforms a caring person into a person who fails to feel empathy and who can then use and abuse people who become regarded as sexual objects for his/her use.
Porn is designed to knock out the viewer's conscience that is meant to discern right from wrong. The brain's rational thought is supposed to steer the mind, but porn by-passes the rational thought by overpowering the brain to dominate it with an emotional response. Adrenaline and dopamine excesses over-ride the rational brain. The abuse is not detected because the sexual arousal is over-powering the rational, logical brain. Watching porn is not a logical rational decision, but an emotional choice which is sadly, based on false assumptions.
Assumptions: The actress is smiling - therefore she is enjoying the abuse. The actress is over 18 years old - therefore she is consenting to the abuse. The actress is not protesting - therefore she is not being hurt or injured. The actress is being paid - therefore she is in control of the scene. The actress is acting - therefore the abuse she receives is not real.
In reality: The actress is smiling because she has been threatened that they will continue filming the painful scene until she makes it appear that she is enjoying the abuse.
The actress is over 18 years old but that does not mean she is consenting to the abuse. People under the influence of alcohol/drugs are not able to consent but many if not all porn actresses are victims of drug addiction or sex trafficking.
The actress is not protesting because she has taken alcohol/drugs to numb her pain and to 'help' her endure the abuse. If she protests, she is warned that she won't get any more work or that she won't get paid for the current job until they get the right 'shot' of her enjoying the abuse.
The actress is being paid but she is not in control. She is told that she won't be paid (and that the abuse won't stop) until she fakes like she is enjoying being abused or at least has a neutral response to the abuse.
The actress is acting to the best of her ability to endure the genuinely painful physical, emotional and mental abuse that is inflicted on her so it can be over as quickly as possible.
Porn merchants/producers deceptively, invisibly but intentionally manipulate porn viewers to discard empathy. Porn viewers become porn addicts and often wonder how they ended up craving to watch violent, gonzo porn when they originally never appreciated sexual violence. It wasn't 'always in them' - it was a designed attack on humanity. The minds of porn consumers were hijacked and an abnormal desire that links sex with violence, humiliation and degradation was intentionally created in them by the videos spewed out by the porn merchants.
Being unable to feel empathy is a serious issue.
The inability to feel empathy is the foundational defect in serious personality disorders such as psychopathy, sociopathy, machiavellianism and narcissism.
Porn conditions its victims how to become emotionally dysfunctional. Porn destroys the normal ability to make emotional connections with other human beings which usually occur when people show empathy for each other. Good manners, protective care, kindness and generosity are all based on empathy and basic to all emotionally safe relationships.
Emotionally injured people must regain the ability to feel empathy for themselves and for others. The truth, if accepted, can lead us to freedom. The changes must first be in the mind. Abuse must be recognised and the mind must grasp that truth. Abuse is not sexy. Abuse is not loving. Abuse is not fun. Abuse is not right. Abuse should cause empathy to be powerfully ignited and a protective spirit to be aroused.
Right thinking leads to right decisions. Neurotransmitters can then begin to reset. Withdrawal will happen while the brain resets and rebalances; uncomfortable, but manageable. The rest is practice. Think right. Reject the idea that abuse is acceptable. Protect the abused. Reach out to others as friends, people. Don't manipulate others for sexual activity. Show empathy. Repeat and repeat.
Porn leads society to think selfishly. If it feels good (physically) just do it. Don't stop to think about the repercussions. Wanting to use another person's body for your own gratification is screamed to be 'normal' and 'natural' and 'just a high libido.' Using another person's body to masturbate yourself, is actually a selfish act.
It's sexual abuse. Don't sexually abuse yourself by letting the Porn Merchants hijack your sexual identity.
Those who struggle with addictions, including sexual addictions, do not need to have self-shame or self-blame. They don't need to acknowledge a religous-churchified God or 'Higher Power' but we very much propose that all humans need to acknowledge the principle of LOVE.
If you are a Christian, you might like to see that this same principle is reflected in the words of Paul the apostle who said: Romans 7:18-24 "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh; for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For I do not do the good I want to do. Instead, I keep on doing the evil I do not want to do. 20And if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. 21So this is the principle I have discovered: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22For in my inner being I delight in God’s law. 23But I see another law at work in my body, warring against the law of my mind and holding me captive to the law of sin that dwells within me.b24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I serve the law of God, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin."