The sexual education that is forced on societies by Hollywood is not 'safe sex' education. It's quite the opposite actually. It's more truly 'weaponised sex' (sexual abuse).
The evidence for this claim is astounding and difficult to disprove. By evaluation of Hollywood's movies, any reasonable person might rightly make the assumption that Hollywood has invested billions of dollars to change society's social norms - and not for the better of society or for the happiness of its members.
Movies have been produced in rapid succession that assault the dignity of young people under the guise of 'sexual freedom.' In fact, it's not sexual freedom that is being marketed, but sexual abuse. The sexual organs have been utilised as weapons to cause distress and inequality between the young men and women of society.
Sexual abuse has long been recognised as a tool to destroy the dignity and confidence of the 'losers' in wars. Women and girls who were 'conquered' by the invading armies in WW2 were stripped naked and violently raped. Many Jewish and Polish women suffered the same fate which was implemented in order to achieve the same depersonalisation result. Japanese soldiers were officially supplied with the 'services' of 'comfort women' which in reality, meant that they were systematically and repeatedly raped by Japanese soldiers. Being stripped of clothing equates with being stripped of dignity and being shamed for being powerless to prevent it happening.
Hollywood has applied the same sexually abusive techniques through their movies, but disguises the sexual abuse as romances, comedies, application of 'necessary force' on the woman which is justified in order to save her life. Nakedness, rape and sexual violence are employed in movies in order to achieve similar psychological results as those that were achieved by soldiers of every nation during the wars.
For whatever reason, it appears that (judging by the absolute flood of movies with the same sexually abusive recurring themes), sexual abuse has been used as a weapon to subtly force changes to society's morals.
The moral changes have been achieved by focusing young people's attention on IF they are people of value and how much value they might possess. For many young people, there are unhealed, emotional injuries caused by dysfunctional and abusive parenting. The child does not receive love or affirmation of their worth so they develop a strong sense of being unlovable and of being without value. They feel immense shame which causes them to repeatedly seek external validation from other people. Psychologists identify that damage to the perception of self-worth can cause the development of attachment injuries such as anxious, avoidant or ambivalent attachment injuries. Hurting and vulnerable young people are further injured by Hollywood's 'sex education.'
While young people are doubting their own self-worth, Hollywood employs the old, 'kick 'em while they're down' strategy. Hollywood creates the concept that people, whether males or females, are not 'good enough' so they must DO something or LOOK LIKE something in order to earn value. This is the core belief that many children who accept about themselves when they are born into a dysfunctional family and do not receive the love and affirmation of their worth so necessary for them to develop into loving, empathetic, stable adults. Stable adults don't make good customers/consumers for the many avenues of the Sexual Abuse Industry (SAI). Stable adults with strong morals and strong minds with strong self-control, are not easily manipulated. Such people are a threat to the SAI. So Hollywood invented a means to prevent young people from escaping the SAI money-making business. The trap was very creative and it is a complete set-up using repetitive strategies of mind control, brainwashing and hypnotism.
Hollywood's sex education system certainly appears to utilise well planned strategies to operate a form of mind control in order to influence how people think about themselves and about the opposite sex. The requirements for being allowed to have self-confidence are different for both men and women.
Men must be aggressive, powerful and strong but definitely not nurturing. They must not show emotion, even if they kill or beat someone severely. A man must be a 'stud' who mates with (sexually abuses) multiple woman without a conscience.
Women must be conventionally pretty, slender and young but not modest or too empathetic unless she is also somewhat unintelligent. Naive and trusting women are useful to help 'low quality' men to feel powerful and desired.
Any young man or woman who does not meet Hollywood strict 'human quality' evaluation scale will be left earnestly striving to raise their rating.
Women will often starve themselves to become slender; they will undergo surgery for breast enhancement; they will dye their hair; get face surgery to 'correct' eye shape, lip shape; and they will dread growing older or putting on weight. The message is that the woman is NEVER GOOD ENOUGH, so she must always strive to be 'worth' something to somebody. The strong dissatisfaction that the woman feels drives her to seek external validation from those in her environment, most often for her appearance. She wears skimpy outfits and provocative clothing in an attempt to receive validation from men. She doesn't want to have sex with all the men to whom she displays her body, but she is desperate to receive validation of her worth from them in the form of an admiring look.
Men will also try to improve their physical features and some become gym enthusiasts. Some become addicted to taking steroids to build muscle. Some men turn to sports to try to gain special value, while others focus on their income earning abilities in order to 'earn' external validation of their worth from others. If a man can persuade attractive women to engage in sexual activity with him, he earns 'value.' The 'hotter' the babe, the more value he thinks he has earned.
Hollywood engineers its movies so that both men and women will not feel 'good enough' in their own bodies. The fake 'human quality' evaluation scale that is pumped out by the Hollywood machine is strongly embedded in society and trying to ignore the rules will not bring positive results, but the objector will reap failure and ostracism from the 'group' and from the community.
It's certainly appears as if Hollywood is trying to create generations that are not conscious of their own intrinsic worth. Are they trying purposely to create a mass of young people who are constantly seeking external validation of their worth? If so, the movies produced by Hollywood certainly enhance their goal.
It is a well researched fact that emotionally injured people try to escape their pain by various means such as substance abuse, alcohol, pornography. The commonality to all these strategies is that they all use fantasy. The drug user goes to fantasy land when he/she is taking mind altering drugs. The alcoholic's mind is also altered from reality. A porn addict escapes into the fantasy of his/her mind and reality blurs with the imagination. Hollywood presents escape avenue to its emotionally injured audience in the form of entering Fantasy-land.
Fantasy is an escape route that offers relief from being 'unlovable' and 'worthless' and from the pain of being covered in the shame of being rejected, abandoned and abused. In the inner world of the mind, the world of fantasy allows the young person to imagine they are strong, powerful, desired and in control. If sexual arousal and activity is added to the fantasy, the chemicals of dopamine (sexual arousal), adrenaline and oxytocin (at orgasm), cement the reward for thinking in this way. Fantasy is then carried over into reality in the belief system. The man still believes he is covered in shame from being unlovable, but in his sexual activities with the opposite gender, he acts out the fantasy principles he learnt from Hollywood. For that short period of time, the shame is lifted and the pain numbed. Sadly, the shame returns and the whole cycle needs to be repeated regularly.
Hollywood's Solution to Emotional Injuries Pretend! Fantasise! Suppress Emotions! Use Bodies!
Hollywood's Sex Education
The principles for sexual arousal taught by Hollywood are extremely damaging to those who have internalised them without even recognising they have adopted relationship destroying beliefs.
Hollywood educates and indoctrinates while it supposedly entertains.
Principles involved concern 'education' on how to appear to and relate with the opposite gender.
Principles taught sub-consciously by Hollywood are those that directly interfere with, damage and prevent long term, permanent romantic relationships.
Hollywood does not encourage normal, stable, honest, mutually-caring romantic relationships. Such relationships would be 'bad for business' (bad for the SAI).
Instead, Hollywood encourages the development of lust-inspired relationships that often occur purely for the sexual excitement, the power and adrenaline rush. The 'modern' community has created a label to identify a specific kind of sexual arousal that is stimulated by strangers. It is called Fray Sexuality. It is interesting to note that Fray Sexuality refers to being sexually aroused by strangers, but when emotional closeness builds between the strangers, the sexual arousal evaporates. This is remarkably similar to the principles of porn and how porn educates its customers to respond.
If a man sees a female body, he is taught by Hollywood and by viewing porn to:
evaluate it for its usefulness to sexually arouse him;
fantasise how the private body parts might look underneath the woman's clothing;
fantasise how it might feel to have his genitals connected to the woman's genitals;
hold the image and memories of that sexualised connection in his memory for recall at a more convenient opportunity;
repeat the scenario on the next attractive woman he sees.
stimulate sexual activity without emotional attachment, emotional connection or commitment.
Hollywood's sex education is of course, the opposite strategies and the reverse order of actions for making a loving, stable romantic relationship.
Normal loving couples function from a basis of friendship based on many emotionally connected, emotionally vulnerable experiences between them. The friendship involves learning if their partner can be trusted, how they handle stress and whether their core values are compatible with the other person's values. When all these aspects are found to be harmonious, then the couple move emotionally closer to each other, trusting each other more deeply. If their relationship continues on a positive, joyful path, the couple then declare their exclusive commitment to each other in marriage. Up until marriage, they have been emotionally close but physically reserved while the potential partner's suitability were assessed and the important decisions made. The move to marriage is the final act of trust that makes their physical union a safe action. They can be vulnerable with each other in perfect safety, knowing that they are loved and valued within the relationship. Their marriage is based on a loving, mutually respectful, sexually-exclusive and permanent arrangement that was built on an initial friendship.
Hollywood and porn all lie to their viewers that happiness can be created from engaging in sexual connections that are devoid of any emotional connection or commitment. This is not supported by social research. Sadly the lie is also preached by these false educators, that sexual activity without emotional connection or commitment is the ultimate goal of sexual freedom, when in reality, it is the recipe for disaster to the self-esteem, confidence and results in a lot of self-inflicted shame.
Hollywood's Principles for Male Empowerment by Devaluing Women
Hollywood actively 'educates' males to ignore the rights of females to
personal privacy;
personal identity/persona;
freedom from stalking;
object to being kidnapped;
protest to being the victims of domestic violence;
have their own needs;
express discontent or disinterest in a pursuing male;
mock a pursuing male;
be sexually unsatisfied by a pursuing male;
express irritation at the male pursuing her;
dislike being sexually objectified.
For emotionally insecure men, Hollywood supplies a cunning way that allows him (the man who society has labelled to be a lower value male) of 'getting' the sexually attractive female that they desire. The movies depict:
the woman as being young, virginal, naive and childlike so that she is emotionally disadvantaged in the conquest with the man;
the woman as being ignorant of the usual social/cultural norms, so that she doesn't have the social knowledge to guard herself or even realise that she is being taken advantage of;
the woman as being ignorant of what constitutes normal sexual behaviour (so that she doesn't realise the man is sexually abusing her);
that the pursing man is the ONLY man available to the woman, so that she cannot compared him to any other man (low quality, insecure men are terrified of being rejected by a woman if she is able to compare him with other men);
that the low quality man, who has 'bad' character, can still be considered a hero to the unsuspecting woman;
the man is shown to be powerful over the young, naive woman (but she won't know that he believes he is actually a vile, disgusting, repulsive, unlovable man who lacks value and who is covered in shame - she thinks he is a 'hero' and that he is sexually desirable. The man believes that this is because she has no other men with which to compare him);
the man isolates the woman so that he has no competition from other men;
sexual abuse is a currency of power in man/woman relationships;
men take advantage of a sexually naive woman in a way to gain validation of their worth from them and/or to feel that they have gained power over them;
women are to be controlled (manipulated in the same way a parent has control over a child);
men are able to use women's bodies for their own fray devices (gain sexual arousal from looking at the women's body parts when she is a stranger to them, without having any emotional connection);
women do not ever realise they are being sexually abused by men;
women eventually will like being sexually abused and taken advantage of by men and so women will eventually desire a sexual relationship with her former abuser (the rape porn genre where the lie is perpetuated that all women desire to be raped).
The following videos provide evidence of the principles of porn that are rampant in Hollywood movies.