It is interesting to note, that in porn addiction cases, the husband will often attribute his lack of ability to 'perform' sexually with his wife to it being her fault. He thinks it is her lack of attractiveness; she is just not sexy enough to turn him on like the hot pixel 'babes' in porn. In fact, this is rarely the case.
The husband's erectile dysfunction (ED) is caused by a transformation in his brain whereby he 'needs' pixellated images in order to become aroused and stay aroused. Understanding this can be a huge relief to a wife who might otherwise feel rejected as not being 'sexy' enough for her supposedly highly-sexed husband.
The reason that the wife is unable to find sexual fulfilment is because of her husband's porn addiction or use. He's giving his wife's sexual 'share' to the pixels, but blames her for his inability to give either of them satisfaction.
Thankfully, ED caused by porn indulgence can be reversed as the brain is retrained.