Within the U.S. Declaration of Independence there is a sentence which Thomas Jefferson penned in 1776 (during the beginning of the American Revolution) which declared that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
While Martin Luther King dreamed of a time when all men would be recognised as being created equal (ie of equal value), the Porn Merchants very forcefully reject any such concept. In the commercialised, sexual abuse industry, women MUST NOT be considered of equal value to men. Women must be regarded as a commodity in order for the Porn Merchants to sell them to male consumers. Commodities do not have equal rights and there can never be equality of the sexes while one gender can buy or rent the use of another human being of the opposite gender. It was wrong in the days of racism and slavery and it is wrong in the days of female and sexual slavery.
Regardless of gender issues, generally speaking, one gender becomes the empowered consumer while the other gender becomes the commodity and is disempowered. This dynamic still exists in same sex situations and sexual abuse can certainly occur there also, however the trend is generally, that the Porn Merchants follow the money. Traditionally men have controlled the money, so the disempowered women were sold to the men as commodities. Now that women are earning income, the Porn Merchants have tailored their marketing toward females as consumers also. However, previously the Porn Merchants endeavoured to convince women that their value was and mostly still is, in their ability to sexually arouse men. Women are generally trained to be commodities while men are generally trained to be consumers. Of course the Porn Merchants will attempt to capitalise on any minority in order to disempower them and to gain profits from their efforts.
The Porn Merchants have pornified society for a century, so that hypersexuality and pornification is largely considered normal. The Porn Merchants have invented and continually reinforce their own 'value scale' which they encourage men to use to evaluate females. The scale has been circulated in the hope that it will profit their commercial sexual abuse industry.
What pornified society fails to recognise is that, this scale is inverted. The original scale was used by societies in the past and helped to maintain and organise functional and mutually respectful relationships between the two genders. Regardless of all the hype about 'women's equal rights' and 'women's liberation' the truth is that women do generally allow and cooperate with the Porn Merchants by presenting their faces and bodies as commodities prepared to sexually arouse intended male consumers.
Which scale do you use? How did you come to adopt that scale?
It's all about knowing we have intrinsic value. If we know we have value, we know we are worthy of love. In emotionally healthy families, this is the most important lesson that our parents teach us.
Alternatively, dysfunctional families teach the opposite. When love is withheld from the child, they believe the lie that they lack intrinsic value. Then the child knows that no-one could possible love them. That lie develops into self-hatred and self-hatred prompts the child to wear a mask. It is not good to be themselves anymore so they pretend they are someone else. A new persona is created who they child believes will help them to receive love and value.
The fictitious fantasy, the new persona is presented to everyone else and is an effort to ask others to love the fantasy persona.
If the new persona is accepted by others and praised, it is supposed to demonstrate to the child that they have value, but in fact, the child still doesn't believe that they have value, because they know it is only their fake persona that is praised and not their real inner person.
Young adults often request others to demonstrate that they value them through sexual activity.
Females often request validation through wearing sexually provocative clothing, performing in porn, prostitution or stripping etc while males request it through pressuring women to have sex with them.
Healthy relationships can only exist when both partners believe they have intrinsic value simply because they exist. For Christians, they can be sure of this love because it is exactly what Jesus demonstrated for every person. Jesus said, "All you are brothers." (Matt 23:8)
"But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren."
All humans have equal value, regardless of their actions, because their worth is based on their existence.