In the following video, Raised on a Diet of Internet Porn - the Health Consequences of Long-Term Use, the Coolidge Effect is discussed.
Although it is probably unintended, the Coolidge Effect seems to be based on the belief that the male sexual satisfaction is all important and that the female sexual arousal is ignored or denied. It certainly seems that women are regarded as if they are on a lower priority when it comes to sexual satisfaction, or even of having a strong sex drive. A woman's sexual arousal system is uniquely feminine and a husband would do well to learn from his wife to become educated on how to work with her natural system and be able therefore to sexually please his wife. Of course, the lies of porn completely ignore a woman's sexual arousal system and incorrectly teach men that women's sexual arousal is the same as a man's system.
The actresses in porn do a marvellous disservice to women and men, by faking orgasms and pretending to be 'hot' with desire when they are secretly waiting for the boring and perhaps painful scene to be over. If the male viewers could see behind the scenes on the porn set where filming is done, they might find stumble over a hint or two that causes them to wonder if perhaps the 'babe' is not really as 'turned on' as she appears in the porn flick. Men who believe that the women are actually enjoying the interactions are revealing that they do not understand the female sexual arousal system or how to create sexual desire in an emotionally healthy woman. Mature and experienced women certainly understand their own sex drive. Women recognise when porn actresses manipulate men into thinking they are 'fully charged and revving to go' so that men feel powerful and potent, when in reality, the women's brain and thus her body is not out of the garage.
Men who ignore a woman's true feminine sexuality will never be able to ignite her sexual desire and take her to the heights of sexual passion. Young men commonly state that they watch porn to learn about 'sex' and women's bodies, but porn only teaches lies on both subjects. A man's wife is the best sexual tutor for her husband and he needs to realise that her sexual desire is intimately connected to the level of emotional security she feels in her relationship with him. If a man wants to experience wonderfully exciting sex with his wife, then it needs to start with convincing her that she is his one and only love and that he only has eyes for her body. This is in direct opposition to what porn teaches and can also explain the Coolidge Effect as it is transposed to humans from animal studies.
The Coolidge effect is supposed to highlight the 'fact' that male animals prefer to have sex with multiple females and that they are so excited about this possibility that they ejaculated very quickly. This is compared with male animals who are 'restricted' to having repeated copulations with one female partner. The male takes a longer time to reach ejaculation with the same female partner than he does with a new partner. The increased time before ejaculation is seen as being negative and it is supposed that the male is less excited and less interested in the same female and that he is more excited and interested in having copulations with multiple females.
This conclusion when transferred to humans is completely false. The Coolidge Effect tries to normalise the multiple partner effect and labels it the 'deep programming of your brain.' In fact, it is a case of your brain being manipulated on purpose by the porn merchants and rewired into an abnormal state called 'hypersexualisation.'
The enjoyment of copulation is not demonstrated by how quickly the male ejaculates. The true satisfaction of having sex lies in a loving relationship and does not lie in the adrenaline-rush caused by the risky situation and emotional insecurity of having to persuade multiple females to copulate. That experience is extremely stressful and results in the production of adrenaline. The adrenaline rush is caused by having to work hard to secure new sexual 'conquests' (not secure, emotionally connected relationships) and to risk the possible failure and rejection by the 'new' partner. Stress and its accompanying adrenaline rush is not a normal response to a steady, loyal female partner where the male partner feels secure, desired and loved. The Coolidge Effect ignores the fact that women don't enjoy having sex with a partner who ejaculates quickly! Maybe that's why women prefer sex with the same partner who improves over time. Most men prefer to be in control of their orgasm and are not thrilled when they suffer premature ejaculation. This video seems to be saying that males prefer suffering from premature ejaculation. If that is the goal of men, there will be a string of extremely unhappy female partners!
To understand the true chemistry of normal sex and to contrast it with the disturbed chemistry of abusive sexual activity, view the video below by Dr Tim Jennings.