If you believe in the story of the origin of human life in the Bible, you might find the following interesting.
"In the beginning" in Genesis chapter 1, the story goes that there is a place in the universe called 'heaven.' In heaven, the Father and the Son were in existence and that at some time the Spirit of God moved to create all things to do with this planet earth. Adam was the first man created and Eve was generated from his rib. But there were also other non-human beings that were created before humans. Angels were powerful beings. They were messengers or the divine beings' helpers and friends. There was a kind of heirarchy among the angels and the top ranking angel was named Lucifer and he was actually the third highest authority in heaven, under only the Father and Son in authority. Apparently Lucifer was not content with such a 'humble' position and he strove to be on the same level as the Father and Son. (Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28: 13-16). In short, Lucifer wanted to be a divine being, not angelic being. But divine beings can create life, while, according to Jesus, angels can't reproduce (Matthew 22:30). So, Lucifer has no power to create or to procreate. He is not a generator of life. To make it more upsetting to Lucifer, the new human race are able to reproduce/procreate!
This situation really seemed to be a problematic issue for Lucifer, so he tried to pretend he had generative powers himself and tried to receive worship as if he was the Creator - the Life-Giver. Lucifer did this when he set up his cult.
The cult insists on worship to Lucifer and as a 'deity' and he insists on his worshippers making him offerings that symbolise the origin of life. This was the 'birth' of the ancient fertility religions seen in all the countries and cultures of the world, except in the true religion of Jesus. Lucifer, after his self-centred revolt against the loving government (legislation) of the Creator became known as Satan, the devil, the evil one in the Bible. The government of heaven is Love, which Jesus described as 'doing to others what you would like them to do to you. Love your enemies, do good to those who try to injure you. Pray for those who are deceitful to you.' (Matthew 7:12; 5:44). In contrast the religion of Satan's government is loveless. Force is used to coerce humans to do the behaviour that Satan demands. Force invokes fear, but in the religion of Jesus there is no fear because 'perfect love casts out fear.' Perfect love offers free choice without attaching horrendous consequences to a choice that is not loving. The consequences will be horrendous but they won't be artificially inflicted on the person by the Creator. The consequences will occur without the Creator's intervention at all. The Creator doesn't destroy anyone. Those who choose lovelessness will reap the natural consequences of those choices. Jesus love even those who decide to kill themselves and others. His pain at knowing they would do this to themselves is demonstrated as He cried over Jerusalem (John 11:35). His heart aches for those who are by their own choices, headed for suicide and homicide. Suicide and homicide are the only possible outcomes from living a loveless life. Living and doing 'as thou wilt' without regard to the impact your actions have on others (selfishness), is certain to cause social and personal destruction as a natural consequence.
In fertility religions, Satan acknowledges his 'godship' and he feels entitled to this honour. He encourages and then forces men to worship him by presenting their sperm as an offering to him on the altar of a 'vestal virgin' or a 'temple prostitute' which are spoken of in the Bible. These are the ancient practices of fertility worship (Jeremiah 32:35) which included sacrifice of the first male child born.
Modern day fertility religions are not very different. The male worshipper can still offer his sperm as an offering to the 'deity' when he ejaculates in or on the altar which is of course, the porn performer’s body. The child sacrifices born from the satanic worship rituals are modern day abortions.
In Hebrews 13:4 it says that sexual love is celebrated within marriage. A true marriage is a place where it is safe to develop emotional and then sexual intimacy. "Marriage is holy and the marriage bed undefiled." A man or woman who is free from emotional intimacy issues and sexual compulsion can choose to anchor their sexual organs with love, not with fear (adrenaline hits). The free person is no longer compelled to give what is holy (himself/herself) to the fertility god's witches and whoremongers. They can choose to worship the God of Love and resist the fallen angel who specialises in targeting emotionally wounded men and women. Emotionally wounded men and women fear being rejected, abandoned, unloved, undesired and unvalued. Satan invented a craft to trap these wounded souls into believing that they can heal their wounds by taking the 'fruit' that he offers them in the form of porn.
Eve & Porn According to what we understand about from the Bible, when Adam and Eve were created as perfect human beings, they were made in the image of their Creator. Their Creator was clothed with a dazzling bright light, but the Son of God was able to enter into that bright light. Lucifer was not included into that sacred circle and he resented that fact. Adam and Eve also shared that bright light surrounding their sacred bodies, but when Adam and Eve turned their allegiance away from their Creator, the Bible says that they lost their bright covering (the holy spirit of God) and realised that they were 'naked' (Genesis 3:7).
The story then continues with the Creator finding Adam and Eve huddled in some bushes trying to hide their nakedness with fig leaves to spare their intimate, private parts from being exposed to the One who created and loved them. The Bible says that they were ashamed for being naked (Genesis 3:7). Why did the Creator think that clothes were necessary for Adam and Eve? Their bodies were not gross, repugnant and in need of covering up to avoid looking at something physically disgusting. Adam and Eve were without argument, the most physically beautiful human beings that ever lived. Why would they be ashamed of their nakedness? Why would the perfectly built man and woman become ashamed of being naked? Because they liked the protection that their bright light covering had given them. They could enter each other's bright light to enjoy celebrating their physical love and no other eyes were able to invade their privacy. After the removal of their bright light shield, Adam and Eve could no longer hide their sexual organs from public display and having no intimate privacy was not how the Creator designed them. No doubt Adam and Eve were also ashamed for the consequences of betraying their Creator and from being being found out. Being forgiving and loving, the Creator then placed 'skins' on their naked bodies to ease their humiliating situation. He gave them back a measure of privacy.
The Creator put clothes on Adam and Eve to protect them now that their natural privacy and sacredness had been removed and their sexual organs were exposed. They became instant nudists and they did not feel 'free, liberated and one with the world.' The sexual organs are sacred. They are private because they are the door to the core of the inner being of the person's soul. Humans don't feel comfortable when they are forced to forgo their privacy. We object if a stranger stands too close to us; touches us in sexual areas without invitation. We feel uncomfortable and embarrassed if our wardrobe malfunctions in public. We generally reserve the option of exposing our sexual organs or touching our genitals to someone we trust a great deal and with whom we have a permanent relationship.
It is hard-wired into the human psyche, that sex is not just about bodies physically connecting. Rape for example, might occur but that is not sex. A doctor might do an internal examination on a woman, but that is not sex. The rape victim withholds her/his mind from the rapist. The patient will patiently endure the examination without any emotional connection to the doctor.
True sex involves emotional intimacy between caring, trusting and permanent partners. Our sexual organs are the means of celebrating our emotional love in a physical way. We relay to another special person, that they too are so special that we invite them to share our own body via the sexual organs. We use clothes to lock strangers out of that part of our private life. Our bodies are special and unique. We are not ashamed of our bodies when we wear clothes. We are protecting our privacy and saving our bodies to be displayed to the person we love more than any other person. Nudity has nothing to do with being 'proud of my body ' or 'not ashamed of my body.' The advice 'if you've got it, flaunt it' is not good advice unless it is directed at your loving partner. To share your body with someone is a huge compliment and a precious gift, but it loses its value instantly if the emotional sharing is not also present.
So the Creator invented artificial clothes - an artificial barrier/covering that was necessary to preserve the human race's ability to filter out those who we did not want to offer to enter into that special, private place of our inner being. Isn't it interesting that Satan has been trying to persuade human beings to disrobe ever since that time? For example, in times of war, it is common practice for the conquerors to disrobe their captives, to parade them around naked in front of the victors and then to rape them. The captive naked men and women are not 'sexy' and they are not raped because they are attractive. They are raped to disempower them and to destroy their dignity. Why do men and women undress and display the most private parts of their bodies in porn? Because they believe the satanic lie that they will be more empowered and that people will value them for their 'beautiful' body. The performers are always aware though, that they are not valued on their character or for being a unique person. It is only the porn persona that is valued. The woman who has no needs of her own; the woman who is never too tired, never complains, never says no. The woman who doesn't exist except in porn.
The removal of the human being's clothing is always significant when it occurs by force, as it signifies the removal of the victim's dignity and loss of power to control their private space. Incorrect beliefs - lies that we've been told about sex - can be used as a form of force or coercion. For example, a pedophile can tell a child that he is giving the child 'love' when in reality, it is a rape. The child is forced to comply but believe he is receiving love. Manipulation, deception, offering of gifts and blackmail are all forms of coercion and force.
Is it any surprise then, that in the religion of porn (ie. the fertility religion), human dignity must be removed? Human will-power must be removed also. Compulsion and obsession with sexual offerings (ejaculations) are much more fitting to the worship of the 'deity' of fertility than are the possession of dignity and personal empowerment. So there are several fundamental beliefs that must be accepted by the priests and priestesses of the fertility religion (ie porn performers in porn).
The Modis Operandi Satan reveals an object that he presents as appealing; an object that if we embrace, he promises, will give us a huge benefit, but like any enemy agent, he hides the fact that it is a lethal object.
Back to Eve Satan's first step in gaining control of Eve was when she chose, of her own free will, to go a forbidden place.
What caused Eve to want to go close to the tree (of knowledge of good and evil)? Note the similarity with the person who is enticed to view porn
Curiosity; (same as in porn)
Downplaying the danger (it's harmless fun and it's not real)
Doubting God's love for her; (God made me with a high libido, it's His fault I do porn)
self sufficiency (ie. I can quit any time).
Isn't it interesting that Eve was motivated to approach near to the restricted tree, by similar factors that motivate people to look at porn? In the following example, consider the "beautiful piece of fruit" to be porn.
Satan spoke to Eve with the intention of creating a desire in her mind. He needed to manipulate her beliefs about her Creator.
Satan crafted his trap to snare Eve with a beautiful piece of fruit. He designed that she should:
• be attracted to the appearance of the fruit - ("It looks to be really good fruit!") • falsely project many positive attributes onto the fruit:
◦ "This fruit will make me as wise as God";
◦ "This fruit will make me live forever";
◦ "This fruit is healthy for my body";
• feel as if she was missing out on something special
▪ “God should not withhold this super fruit from me."
• feel entitled to eat the fruit
▪ “I deserve to be able to eat this fruit”
• doubt that God was acting in a loving way to protect her; • believe that God was selfish (ie mean, dominating and controlling) for prohibiting her from finding special joy ; • believe that God’s warning was because He wanted to prevent her from gaining wisdom equal to his own; • believe that God was depriving her of something that would make her very happy and healthy
Eve took the appealing looking fruit from the snake, believing that it would: • satisfy her imagined deficit with a ‘remedy for her needs’
Eve disregarded the warning that she would die if she ate the fruit. Satan, disguised as the snake, said that Eve would not die but that she would get huge positive rewards – infinite wisdom, a higher level of happiness, healthy body, eternal life and that she would be free of the Creator’s controlling rules. As the Bible story unfolds, Eve took the 'bait' and learned the hard way that her Creator had not withheld anything good from her, but tried to protect her from Satan's abuse.
Two thousand years later, the Pharisees were told by Jesus that they were like their father the devil. Jesus also later called them ‘snakes’ which was the creature that Satan disguised himself as in the Garden of Eden. Jesus called them out and identified them by the 'deity' that they truly worshipped. Is it less holy for us to call out the merchants of porn who inflict emotional and mental carnage on those who have been already wounded by childhood sexual abuse?
There are indeed many similarities between the porn merchants and the worshippers in ancient fertility religions.
According to historic records, it appears that modern day porn merchants are like fertility religions' priests, using sexual behaviour to lead others to worship at Satan’s shrine.
We don't endorse or excuse unloving (ie. satanic) behaviour against anyone who is from the LGTB community. Likewise we don't accept or condone unloving behaviour against porn performers, either male and female. We have genuine compassion for anyone who has been emotionally wounded as a child or even as an adult through sexual abuse, but we do recognise that the porn industry (the sexual abuse industry) has a whole lot in common with a religion. Millions of its adherents (congregation) appear to be worshipping the fertility 'god' devoutly for many hours a day and some for many decades. Many porn performers are completely unaware of the cosmic drama in which they are ignorantly playing a major role as a evangelist would to recruit more 'believers.'
Porn performers might believe that they are engaging in 'free sex,' 'sexual liberty' or that they are providing a 'valuable service' that they suggest lowers the rate of sexual assault in the community (which is the opposite of the truth) but they are spreading the 'gospel according to porn.' We do not condemn our brothers and sisters who, like Eve, have taken the 'bait' and are engaging in pornography. Our purpose is not to stir up hatred against any human being who is involved in the sexual abuse/fertility worship industry or any other human being. Our purpose is the opposite. We want everyone to experience loving, sexual relationships that are free from condemnation, guilt, shame and regret. We want to let everyone know that they are unique and truly a special person and worthy of respect, dignity and that their soul is worthy of intimate protection. We acknowledge that all people have been given a right to worship the God/gods of their choice. We also believe that all humans have a right to make an informed choice based on the facts of that religion.
Satan has no power to control human’s minds unless they first give him power to do so by making a self-serving (loveless) choice. That self-serving choice seems to give the devil the legal right to make his move on the consenting human.
James 1:14-16 'But each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we would be a kind of firstfruits of His creation. My beloved brothers, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and every expression of evil, and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save your souls.'
Evil Desires evil desires ἐπιθυμίας (epithymias) Noun - Genitive Feminine Singular Strong's Greek Concordance 1939: Desire, eagerness for, inordinate desire, lust. From epithumeo; a longing.
Jesus had nothing in him that caused him to desire to sexually abuse anyone.
Blessings Does Satan ‘bless’ those who worship at his altars? If so, how does he ‘bless’ them?
Satan accepts any slight gesture of worship and claims the giver as his slave. The slaves are no longer free to leave his religion or resign their membership in his 'church.' Satan's religion does not recognise the right of freedom of choice. It matters not to Satan if the newly recruited believer/worshipper understands the principles of his coerced religion. The porn trap was set and the new worshipper is stuck like a fly on a glue mat. Physical and mental compulsions will assert their control over him. He is doomed to serve his new master forever, disempowered, unable to break free regardless of how many attempts he makes to escape.
But there is one solution. If the victim takes his/her case to a 'Higher Power' - the true Creator (Love) - they can be set free again. The Creator can set anyone free again and restore a right mind in them just as Jesus did to the demoniac in Luke 8:35. The demoniac (demon possessed man) was running around wildly waving his arms from which the broken chains hung. 'No man could tame him,' so it says in the Bible record. This wild man was naked, hanging out in cemeteries, terrifying people and was an obvious slave to Satan. He had emotional issues and yet, when he saw Jesus, he ran to him and asked for help. Jesus immediately freed the man and healed his mind. The Bible says that he clothed the man, restored his dignity and gave him his right mind. The mind must be healed and the principles of porn thoroughly rejected and replace with correct, truthful thinking about sex, nudity and sacredness and need for privacy of the human body.
Porn Principles Thought to be in the Bible
Don't Wives Have to Submit?
No! A loving wife will DESIRE to submit to her loving husband to make him happy. And a loving husband will DESIRE to submit to his loving wife to make her happy. This is because both partners in a loving, compatible marriage will enjoy making the other happy. Submission is mutually voluntary and desired. Submission is an act whereby we try to please our partner. Each partner of the relationship has this desire in a normal, happy marriage.
Things get lopsided when only one partner is expected to submit continually, repeatedly. Remember what narcissism looks like? One person is continually 'right' and one person is continually having to submit to the 'perfect' person's will. Furthermore, when things become lopsided and one partner is valued more than the other, the submission is no longer genuine, but becomes faked and resentment grows because of the unfairness.
Many people from religious backgrounds believe that wives MUST submit - in all things - to their husbands. Even if the wife resents being forced by God to submit, she must do so anyway. She must pretend to submit to him and fake her submission. She must induce a disassociative state in her mind. She must disassociate her true feelings and cause her mind and body to accept some situation that she is opposed to - either doing, speaking or accepting. Further, if a wife refuses to submit to her husband, some religious people believe a husband is ENTITLED to FORCE his wife to 'submit' to him. Such religious people usually also believe that God is bossy too and that God is entitled to beat sinners into submission. This coercive scene is played out in many porn videos too. The female porn performer is required to submit to the violence or dominance doled out to her by her male performer and she must pretend she is accepting of the maltreatment.
In actual fact, in the Bible, the apostle Paul advises women to submit to their husbands, but also that husbands and wives should submit to each other. He further states that husbands should submit to Christ and to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Christians believe that Christ loved the church and died to save the church. "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." A husband has been given the responsibility by God to love his wife and to 'take a bullet for his wife.' He has not been given authority from God to bully and boss his wife or to demand her submission to him. He is to win her voluntary submission by loving her, wooing her, romancing her and offering her the security of his love - as Christ wins the submision of the church - through Love.
How is this belief that a wife must submit to her husband, different from the main theme of porn? Shared Principles of Religious Submission & Female Submission in Porn
a woman's role is to submit to a man's demands;
a woman is evil/needs punishment if they resist the man's demands;
a man is entitled to force a woman to submit to his demands;
love is not part of the submission process
a woman must mentally disassociate in order to show an outward submission
We need to detect the tentacles of porn in our everyday lives including in our religious beliefs.
See more on the Character of God in the book "The Assassination of God's Character" and smaller articles at www.doublemindedgod.com/
What differentiates art from porn? It is said that 'Porn is ANY image designed to provoke a sexual response,' but is that definition accurate? What provokes a sexual response in me, might not provoke a sexual response in you, however the definition is the closest we can find, but perhaps 'Porn is anything that provokes an emotionally disconnected sexual response in you.'
Belief systems that elevate everyone to the same level are safe. Systems that insist that all people are treated with dignity, respect and equality are safe. It is the nature of the motivating spirit.
Many people might have different beliefs about what constitutes porn and what differentiates it from art, so it can be helpful to understand the principles of porn when trying to decide if a piece of 'art' is truly artistic or if it is disguised porn.
Porn relies on the acceptance of selfish principles. Porn encourages the abuse of others for the indulgence of self. These are the same princples advocated by satanic systems where self is exalted above the needs of others. "Do what you will" and it doesn't matter if you ignore the needs/rights of others in the process. Your needs can take the priority. Survival of the most powerful (ie the biggest bully).
Porn is at its very core, selfishness and selfishness is very ugly.
Porn viewers appear to be unknowingly worshipping selfishness - the absence of Love (ie Satan) while under the false impression that porn is natural, harmless, and good fun.
Some signs that should instantly alert the viewer to the presence of porn:
Dehuminisation of the subject and viewer;
Disregard for the privacy and dignity of the people depicted in the 'art';
Disrespect for the people involved;
Attempt to sexualise the subject and/or sexually arouse the viewer.
God is Anti-Porn Because Porn is Abusive to Self & Others