Australia is the World Leader in the Number of Raped Women
The Porn-Rape Connection
"The Dutch Ministry for Justice in the Haig , published Criminal Victimisation in the Industralised World its finding that Australian Women are raped more than in any other industralised nation. The Australian Institute of Criminology found the same thing. Interpol found the same thing. The European Community did a study called Without Consent and they found the same thing." (Jack Sonneman, video presentation 2016 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Summit)
Jack Sonnemann with the Australian Federation for the Family has prepared numerous submissions to parliament and has appeared in public, media and professional forums internationally documenting the proven link between pornography and sexual aggression. They are all accessible on his website at and contain data from scientific conferences, medical journals, peer-reviewed studies, meta-analyses, international reports, police studies, media stories and personal testimony about the harm caused by porn and is willing to appear before any forum to document the truth about porn.
Australia Leading the Way in Prostitution What are Our Young Ladies Worth?
Is it legal to sell humans? No, it's called slavery. Is it legal to sell only human bodies - and pretend they have no mind/soul? That's called porn and prostitution.