Voyeurs visually rape others which occurs when the voyeur secretly invades their victim's privacy by looking at their body for sexualised pleasure, without gaining the victim's consent and often even without her knowledge.
There are two types of voyeurism.
Covert Scopophilia (wanting the looking behaviour to be kept secret); and
Collusive Scopophilia (wanting the victim to find out)
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), voyeurism is characterised by an individual showing "over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviours involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity" and that "has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty."
Another definition is: "Voyeurism is defined as an interest in observing unsuspecting people while they undress, are naked, or engage in sexual activities. The interest is usually more in the act of watching, rather than in the person being watched. The person doing the watching is called a voyeur, but you might hear them casually referred to as a peeping Tom. A key element of voyeurism is that the person being watched doesn’t know they’re being observed. The person is typically in a place where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as their home or other private area." https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-voyeurism
Voyeurism as Sexual Harassment
Many if not all women at least in Westernised societies, experienced being 'oggled' by men, on a daily basis. Many times this attention is noticed, but is not welcomed. However there are other times where women are not aware that men are staring at them from a hidden vantage point. They are not aware that they are starring in some man's sexual fantasy and that he is concentrating on his sexual arousal interacting with her body in his mind.
Voyeuristic men try to imagine what sexual treasures might be under a woman's blouse or under her skirt. This compulsive looking and sexualising women, depersonalising them into objects for the man's gratification is also a form of voyeurism. Indeed it operates on the same principle as does porn. The woman is objectified. Only her body parts are relevant to the man and he concentrates on how he can best use him imagination to receive the highest level of sexual arousal for his own gratification. This is the lesson that porn taught him so thoroughly. The lesson that the man learnt in the privacy of his own bathroom or bedroom from porn, becomes an automated process in real life.
"Look, as often as you, at as many women as you fancy, but don't be seen looking. Stay secretive. Stay safe."
Lust is the fuel and every woman is the kindling for the fire.
The voyeur realises that it's too shameful to expose the reality of what he (as a porn addict) practices compulsively that controls his thinking and his relationships with women. Often voyeurs don't realise how offensive their behaviour is to women and they don't recognise how sexually dysfunctional objectifying another person really is.
Origin of Voyeurism
Dr. John Wincze, research of abnormal psychology and expert on paraphilia, wrote: "Rejection during childhood and teenage years can encourage voyeurism. If experiences of peeping paid off in the past - ie, if they got away with it, the tendencies can be reinforced. It builds up over time, maybe looking for an outlet..."
“This easily is not just because they are getting sexually aroused by doing this,” Rothman said, “but part of the sexual arousal [and motivation is] that they want to feel some power over the people that they are harming or they feel entitled to do it because they immediately feel that they have more power.” Health experts explore possible motivations for incidents, February 23, 2012 2:09 am by Daily Free Press Admin, Campus, Newshttps://dailyfreepress.com/2012/02/23/health-experts-explore-possible-motivations-for-incidents/
The invasion of privacy is the viewing of intimate behaviour in situations where the victim has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
FSCJ Abnormal Psychology Voyeurism (302.82) "Voyeurism, a form of paraphilias, refers to the achievement of sexual gratification by observing or spying on unsuspecting people, especially while they dress, undress, or engage in sexual activity. The observers, often known as “Peeping Tom’s”, may not feel guilt or remorse when intruding upon other individuals’ privacy. Voyeuristic individuals may rationalize their behavior, claiming “no harm, no foul.” https://fscj.pressbooks.pub/abnormalpsychology/chapter/voyeurism-302-82/
Voyeurism is motivated by the challenge of doing something wrong to gain sexualised excitement. The fact that the man knows what he is doing is wrong, illegal, risky and abusive causes chemical changes in his body. A surge of adrenaline (epinephrine)is pumped from the adrenal glands into his bloodstream. This is a response of the body to a perceived threat. Some stressful activities like skydiving and bungee jumping cause an adrenaline rush which which can excite a person or increase their anxiety. Adrenaline's main effect is to increase the heart rate, the breathing rate and blood pressure to prepare a person to either fight or flee. However, adrenaline can also make the brain release dopamine and serotonin which are hormones that are involved in regulating the mood. Dopamine imbalances are common in porn addiction and dopamine is also the chemical neurotransmitter that provides the motivation to engage in voyeurism.
The knowledge that the peeping activity is 'taboo' is the very reason that the voyeur finds it so intriguing, enticing, arousing and so addictive. The voyeur's heart is pumping and his breathing is increased with the anticipation of the dopamine reward he will receive when he conducts his secret surveillance from his secret place. The fantasy he creates is like a movie where he is the director and he also is the star of the show. His role is always the powerful leading man who is contrasted by the submissive, beautiful woman upon whom he is in reality, spying.
The voyeur's dopamine reward is even greater if he masturbates to the scene, but not all voyeur's masturbate at the time of their peeping activity. Some voyeurs also record their exploits using technology like mobile phones, hidden cameras or even drones so that the voyeur will be able to replay their conquests for enjoyment in a safer place.
While it is all exciting and sexually arousing for the voyeur, his victim is completely unaware that she is being used to sexually arouse the voyeur. His arousal is connected to his ability to overpower the woman by invading her personal privacy without her permission. Novelty, secrecy, power. These are also factors common to the appeal of porn to many males.
While men and women can easily become addicted to viewing porn, so men (and women) can become addicted to voyeurism. It is then classified (in the DSM-5) as paraphilic disorder known as Voyeuristic Disorder. Paraphilic disorders involve having sexual fantasies or urges that cause distress and dysfunction in the activities of the daily life. Sexual fantasies dictate the voyeur's thoughts sometimes on a minute to minute basis. The objects of their sexual fantasies might involve children, animals, clothing/shoes or non-consenting adults. These are all depersonalised and treated as 'objects' by the voyeur.
Voyeurs are more intensely rewarded with a dopamine hit when they can in their fantasy, visually rape a woman without her consent, than the sexual pleasure they gain from viewing the individual. Looking without having consent is directly related to male feelings of entitlement and power. They get an intense feeling of pleasure by knowing that they have overpowered a female. They are receiving sexual access to the female's body, without her permission. This act is a violent invasion of the woman's privacy. It's morally and ethically wrong, but the voyeur has been trained by Hollywood and by porn that he is entitled to seek sexual pleasure from women’s bodies so hegives himself permission to peep in an effortto address his emotional needs to feel powerful and desired by an attractive woman.
Voyeurs are individuals who find it difficult to form healthy relationships with those of the opposite sex and so non-consensual, voyeurism - visual rape - becomes the main strategy of sexual 'relief' in their lives. Sadly the voyeurs live disconnected from other people, seemingly isolated in a fantasy world in their minds.
The desire for feeling powerful is the same feeling that rapists 'enjoy' when they physically rape a woman. Their pleasure is not in the sexual act, but in the overpowering feeling of conquering the female. The orgasm experienced is fuelled by the rapist's perception of his power over the female. He demonstrates his control over her by degrading her, which he feels empowers him further.
Shame Again
Just like lust, voyeurism is shrouded in shame. Shame is a negative valuation that the person believes as their core value. Voyeuristic behaviour is fuelled by the thought that they are incompetent, powerless, socially and sexually insecure and inept. Often these individuals feel negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and guilt. These beliefs and conditions are often the motivations that cause the voyeur to prefer to hide in the shadows and avoid real relationships.
Normal social and sexual interaction is difficult for the voyeur so they will often seek relief from sexual tensions by watching others undetected. They will view the sexual action from the shadows and removed from having any involvement in the action. While learning how to negotiate and build healthy relationships with the opposite sex is a normal part of life, the voyeur is convinced that they simply are not capable and will never be accepted by the opposite sex. This is erroneous thinking because by refraining from engaging with others they deny themselves learning the skills they need in order to develop mutually satisfying relationships.
Voyeurs who carry the enormous weight of toxic shame, will try to hide or to wear a mask so that others will not discover how truly awful they are. Voyeurs become so immersed in shame that they will lie, deceive and blur the truth even to themselves about their own true condition. They often tend to justify their selfish behaviour (of non-consensual 'looking') by claiming that it's not really a bad thing to do at all. In fact, they try to gain support for their attitude claiming that 'all men watch porn' and that 'I'm just a red-blooded male and looking at females is natural.' The violent and vile nature of the crime of invading a woman's personal privacy, is downplayed and the effect on the female victims are minimised. The reason that "If she doesn't know, there's no harm done." The character of the voyeur is glossed over as he excuses his behaviour even though he realises that it violates the right of a woman to enjoy the safety of her own privacy. In reality, if it was his wife, his girlfriend, his daughter who was the target of another voyeur, it might quite quickly be considered in the oppostie light. The voyeur objectifies the female and depersonalises her to be just body parts that he is entitled to use for his own 'enjoyment. If the voyeur were to care about the woman, he might experience some guilt for taking such serious advantage of her - or just develop a fantasy that this woman and he were involved together is some sexual union or deeper relationship.
Many voyeurs endeavour to control their environment because they feel disempowered, stressed, shamed and anxious. Male voyeurs often train their minds to 'release their tension' with acts of voyeurism so that their anxiety subsides. The relief of the tension and stress is rewarded even more if the voyeur masturbates at the time of watching the unsuspecting female or later when he fantasises, recalling the memory of the event. He might dream about the embellished sexual relationship between himself and the victim of his fantasy. Instead of being an active participant in sexual activity, the whole process of 'having sex' becomes the experiencing of watching others having sex undetected or imagining others being undressed or sexualising them.
"A true voyeur, almost always a man, does not find it particularly exciting to watch a woman who is undressing for his special benefit. The element of risk seems important, for the voyeur is excited by the anticipation of how the woman would react if she knew he was watching. (241) Kring, Ann, Sheri Johnson, Gerald C. Davidson. Abnormal Psychology. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 2009. Print. A true voyeur is actually willing to be caught red-handed, for he suspects that his behaviour is anti-social and he feels that he must be penalized for that. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peeping-tom-the-shame-of-being-a-voyeur/
Many individuals who practice voyeuristic behaviour however, do not want to be caught. If a voyeur is caught they endure even greater shame and often criminal charges, stigma and even jail sentences.
Sadly this is the tragic consequence of living in a fantasy world. Sometimes reality forces itself on the world of make-believe with life-changing consequences.
Repair Neural Pathways
Repair Neural Pathways
The cycle of 'watching without permission' and becoming sexually aroused, is exactly the lesson that men are taught while watching porn. Porn is voyeurism - watching other people engaging in sexual activities and becoming sexually aroused as a by-stander who does not participate in the sexual activity himself - except for in the fantasy of his mind. The brain cannot tell however that the voyeur is lying to himself and the brain begins to adapt its sexual arousal template. Actual sex with a face to face partner is no longer arousing to the voyeur. He has trained his brain to only begin the process of sexual arousal when the chosen cues are present. It's the secrecy, the naughty, the forbidden, the powerful, the undetected act of watching the victim, that provides the sexual arousal rather than the naked bodies themselves. The sexual excitement is tied to a huge adrenaline rush. It is in the 'taboo' aspect of the activity where the power over the woman is gained. Inside the voyeur's brain, his reward system and neural pathways are altered so that he is fired up and powerfully motivated to continue the voyeuristic behaviour (especially if he masturbates while he is watching his victim) and this system becomes his status quo for sexual pleasure. Instead of loving emotional connection being the motivator for sexual arousal, the voyeur's sexual arousal template becomes wired to taboo, secretive, fantasies where he takes sexual advantage (in his mind) of an unsuspecting, non-consenting victim.
Trouble Has Company
Many men who become addicted to voyeurism, have other addictions of substance abuse, especially alcohol.
Men who engage in voyeurism often also struggle with a mental disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Abnormal Psychology (2017) by Lumen Learning summarise the prognosis of voyeurism as follows:
Once voyeurism behaviors take place, they typically do not stop. Over time, it may become the main form of sexual gratification for the voyeur. The course of voyeurism tends to be chronic.
The prognosis for eliminating voyeurism tends to be poor because individuals with this disorder typically have no desire to change their patterns of behavior.
Since voyeurism involves non-consenting partners and is against the law in many jurisdictions, the possibility of embarrassment may deter some individuals.
Hollywood Indoctrinates Society with Voyeurism A Doorway to Porn Addiction
Spying on unsuspecting people doing private or sexual acts is done for sexual gratification and a feeling of empowerment by the perpetrator over the victim. It is a criminal act, but Hollywood has determined to make it be seen as a behaviour that is acceptable, humorous, natural and normalised.
When an accidental invasion of someone's privacy has occurred, the normal, respectful responses that men and women show are generally predictable. For example, consider what might occur when a man walks into a room unaware that there is a woman who is in the act of changing her clothes. A typical response might be as follows:
The man is shocked, embarrassed and apologises for accidentally invading the woman's privacy. He then makes a hasty retreat in an effort to show respect for the woman's personal privacy.
The woman is also shocked, probably screams, feels fearful and unsafe, feels violated, uncomfortable, embarrassed and distressed that her private space has been invaded and she tries to cover her body to regain her dignity. She might direct the (accidental) viewer to ‘get out’ or even call for help. She feels an urgent need to restore her sense of safety and privacy. She can become traumatised and feel emotionally distraught – suffering a feeling of insecurity that can continue to have an effect indefinitely. Many Hollywood-created horror movies, famed by Alfred Hitchcock portray these types of responses by the frightened female victims.
The Invasion and Indoctrination of Hollywood’s Voyeuristic Doctrines
Hollywood twists the truth about non-consensual looking by creating movies that teach these distorted doctrines: 1. A woman should embrace the violation of her privacy and accept it as a compliment, because being the object of male sexual desire is the only thing that gives her value; 2. A man cannot control his sexual desires, therefore a man is not responsible for his sexual behaviour and he is entitled to look at women’s bodies; 3. Women’s bodies should always be available to be evaluated, judged, compared and used by men as fuel in male sexual fantasies; 4. Any woman who refuses to put herself on display is taking away a man’s right to look at her body; 5. Men who are the good guys/heroes deserve (are entitled) to access women’s bodies so permission/consent to look is not necessary; 6. When a man looks sexually at a woman’s body without her consent, he has sexually dominated and conquered the woman and she has already submitted to him; 7. Women’s sexual submission to a man is proof of his dominance/power over her; 8. Men who have sexually dominated a woman (even through just viewing her naked body or images of her naked body) have higher standing and bonding with their male peers. 9. Men do not need to respect a woman’s wishes regarding her own body’s privacy since they are entitled to view her body; 10. If a woman’s body is seen by a man, even in the privacy of her own home, it is her fault for allowing it to be seen and therefore the viewing of her body without her permission, is acceptable; 11. Unsuspecting women take off their clothes in a sexually arousing manner when they undress specifically to tantalize any men who might be watching them. 12. Women who have to undress while a man is in the same room, will ask the man not to look, but he always does look as he is entitled to look and her wishes do not have to be respected; 13. There are no consequences for a man (the hero/good guy) who violates or betrays a woman’s trust- in fact he is usually rewarded by becoming her lover; 14. It is natural, normal coming-of-age, rite-of-passage from boyhood to manhood behaviour that boys will try to see unsuspecting women’s naked bodies; 15. Boys gain self-confidence by viewing women’s bodies without first asking consent to look at them; 16. Women who object to being viewed without their consent only express amusement, minor nuisance or mild irritation at the violation of their privacy, but most enjoy receiving the ‘compliment’ and feel empowered. 17. It is normal for the male spy/voyeur to become the victim’s lover since the non-consensual viewing was interpreted as a compliment by the female victim. 18. Women’s bodies must be shown in vulnerable poses as partially clothed, undressing, naked, or having sex while male bodies are seen as powerful, remaining fully clothed.
Hollywood (and the others) also actively 'educates' males to ignore the rights of females to personal privacy, to freedom from stalking and from their objections to being kidnapped and to their protests to being the victims of domestic violence. For emotionally insecure men, Hollywood supplies them a compelling way of 'getting' the female that they desire - make her virginal, naive and childlike so that the man cannot be compared to any other man. He can be her 'hero.' He can feel powerful over here. Sex is used as a weapon to gain power over the woman - repeatedly in these different tropes (themes) being churned out by Hollywood in a perpetual flow of emotional sewage.
See the following videos for more evidence:
The following videos provide evidence of the principles of porn that are rampant in Hollywood movies.
Camera Angles Make the Audience Voyeurs "the Male Gaze"
The camera angles are purposely arranged so that the male character’s perspective (the male gaze) is forced on the audience as the camera scans slowly over the woman’s body parts, focusing on the sexualised view of her breasts, legs, tummy and buttocks. By the camera action, the audience are made to perform ‘the male gaze’ too, as they watch the screen. The audience is meant to identify with the male character’s excitement when he is looking in secret at the woman’s body. The scenes are exciting to men because despite being in the audience, watching the movie, they are also looking without the woman's consent. These types of scenes are found to be extremely exciting to many men BECAUSE it is taboo/naughty behaviour which is not seen for what it truly is - criminal and injurious behaviour.
This same perverted thinking that had its foundation in voyeuristic movies, become the principles of porn. Women are denied their dignity, control over their own bodies. They are disrespected as men treat female bodies with contempt and violence. Porn regularly show men sexually abusing women, disrespecting them and most often it is men who have power and control over female bodies. Worse still, men who are habituated to watching voyeuristic movies, easily 'progress' to watching porn where the welfare and rights of women are disregarded and her comfort, needs and personality mocked. This taboo behaviour, instead of being identified as sexually abusive, is experienced by the viewer as being highly exciting. The same humiliating, anti-women principles are found in harder type porn movies/videos.
Fantasy - the World of Fakery
Hollywood excels at delivering fakery express delivery into your mind.
Cartoons entice children to live in their imagination and then sexually suspect content is pumped into their tiny minds.
Little girls are conditioned to think they must be thin and beautiful (to boys) in order to be accepted and valued in society.
Little boys are taught in movies to be tough he-men, violent superheros who use their fists as/and weapons to overpower others who get in their way. Boys have to 'get the girls' if they really want to be the 'top dog.'
Teenage girls are taught by Hollywood that it is imperative to 'have sex' as quickly as possible so that they are not left 'on the shelf' as a repulsive virgin. Much effort must be employed in order to attract the sexualised attention of as many teenage boys as possible. Attention from a lot of guys means the girl has 'high value.' Make-up, dieting, skin treatments, hair styles, provocative clothing, ridiculous shoes etc are all part of trying to be accepted and to prove that they have value to others, but often failing to convince themselves of their own value.
Teenage boys are pressured to be physically tough, intellectual and athletic but also to 'prove their manhood' by 'scoring' as many female bodies as possible. The guy with the most 'high class' (hot) gals is the winner. Many teens are already trying to 'learn' sexual 'skills' by watching porn. Sadly, many teenagers, both male and female are already porn addicts.
Hollywood has made a determined, consistent effort to destroy the concept of reality. Movies are full of sexualised fantasy. Living in the imagination is presented as being wonderful, romantic, sexy and as an awesome escape from boring reality. This is seen as being a harmless form of entertainment. It is far from harmless though as in a sinister way, sexual abuse is woven into many fantasies and this confuses the mind's ability to function correctly. Even adults become genuinely confused about the reality of what sex truly is.
Voyeurism leads into porn and both genres rely on the viewer using their mind to leave reality behind and to live in fantasy. They see without being seen. They feel powerful without overpowering a female. In their fantasies, they are the predator. The woman is their prey. The fantasy peaks when in their imagination or in their dreams, they mate with the female. The conquest is won through sexual abuse in the man's mind/imagination/fantasy. The man is the omnipotent and the female is submissive - but only in his mind.
Many voyeurs and porn addicts LIVE in their minds in fantasy and have a difficult time being able to differentiate reality from fantasy in regard to relationships and sex. Many men are unable to see women as human beings without sexualising or objectifying them. They will imagine that certain attractive women like them, that these women are hitting on them and are interested on them, when no such conditions exist in reality.
Hollywood’s Determined Efforts to Make Voyeurism Accepted and Normalised
Hollywood has designed to indoctrinate men and women through movies to remove female dignity and respect from the male mind. In this process, the equality of the sexes is decimated. Men are artificially empowered while women are devalued and dis-empowered. Men are protected by their clothing while woman must be disrobed.
Looking into the private spaces of others undetected (without consent) has different effects depending on which role is experienced.
The male viewer feels excitement from the sense of doing something taboo and forbidden – looking without permission. They feel entitled to view, evaluate, judge and compare women’s bodies. Looking without permission also creates in the man a feeling of being empowered over the vulnerable victim.
The female victim only has a response when she learns of the invasion of her privacy. She embraces the violation of her privacy because she believes that being the object of male sexual desire, is what gives her value.
Hollywood productions that promote the normalisation and harmlessness of voyeurism are Teen sex comedies; Animal House, Porky’s, Revenge of the Nerds; That 70’s Show; Alfred Hitchcock movies; action movies, horror films, romantic, sci-fi movies, interactive video games, TV sitcoms. Spy glasses that penetrate clothing, super powers used to disrobe women, family friendly shows with young boys coming of age.
Melissa Febos - “Intrusions” from the book Girlhood (2020) Just as these productions encourage men to believe that stalking and peeping are acceptable forms of courtship, likely to resolve in a love match, so do they prescribe to women a desire to be the object of such behaviour….. It is also a narrative that exonerates men. The more plausible it seems that women are always performing, the less indictable the watching.”
Much of the inspiration for this article comes from the research done by Jonathan McIntosh, the owner of the Youtube channel called PopCultureDetective. The name of the video is The Ethics of Looking And The “Harmless” Peeping Tom.
WARNING: The link to the video is: https://youtu.be/MeSiwHnV5L0?si=i8Vuokb4hWGgWb44 but be warned!!! There are voluminous numbers of triggering sex scenes, nudity and what we believe are sexually abusive scenes where females are portrayed as enjoying being taken advantage of sexually. The writer has included the actual footage of the sexualised scenes from movies etc as these clips confirm exactly the points that Mr McIntosh is making in his documentary. BE WARNED.
Freedom is Possible If You Want to Be Free BUT You Have to Learn to Hate Being A Slave to it.