As seen in the chapter on voyeurism, Hollywood purposefully engineered society to believe the lie that sexual activity seen as depicted in movies and TV shows are sex.
In fact, true sex is the culmination of a previously existing emotionally intimate connection in a monogamous relationship between two long term partners who love each other and who have mutual respect and affection for each other. Society has traditionally known this arrangement as marriage between a man and a woman. The sexual union symbolises their intimate, unbreakable connection and loyalty and devotion to each other, to the exclusion of all others. That is the sentiment expressed in the marriage vows. Husband and wife declare before multiple witnesses that "All my sexual activity, including my sexual thoughts will be reserved for you, my one and only partner."
Well, that wedding vow is a real threat to the income earning capacity of the world's largest mega business.
The porn merchants will not tolerate anything that impacts their ability to earn billions of dollars each and every year. So because the institution of marriage, with its vows of sexual loyalty for life would mean death to the porn industry, marriage must be destroyed.
How have the porn merchants (and others) achieved so great a success in implementing their ambitious goal?
Porn merchants, in the guise as being 'free speech' activists, have attacked marriage at its very foundations.
The loving, stable family unit;
The long-term respect and protective love of a man for his wife;
The long-term love and loyalty of a woman for her husband;
The respect, love and devotion of parents for babies conceived by them.
Hollywood, Disney and music 'artists' (and many others) have been at the forefront in the attempt to destroy conventional marriage. In particular, it is the sacredness of marriage into which they aim to strike the death blow.
Inside each human being, there is a sacred place. It houses their true identity. It is the space that holds their true value as a human being. It gives them the knowledge of their dignity, value and self-respect. This knowledge is what the porn merchants want to destroy. People who are emotionally injured because they don't know their value and who don't believe that they have any value, are the BEST customers for porn. These injured souls wander through life trying to use porn to escape facing the pain of 'knowing' they are worthless and that they'll never be 'good enough.' Failure to be convinced that they are loved as a small child, speaks a life-long lie to them. They are unlovable. They are shameful for being so unlovable that even their own mother or father couldn't love them. These injured children believe that a viscious lie is the absolute truth. That core belief directs their entire life, unless they receive understanding and help to heal. These emotionally damaged people are the best customers for the porn industry. They are most likely to be addicted to porn from childhood to the grave if they don't receive rehabilitation or intervention.
While the assault on marriage, the family unit and its sacred values has been under severe, determined, strategic attack from Hollywood, it is not the only area that has been under consistent, relentless attack. Hollywood has also attacked the sacredness of an individual's value, dignity and integrity.
Thanks to Hollywood (and others) the status of women has been reduced from being perceived as dignified, loving, gentle, nurturing and essential people who deserve to be loved, cherished, valued, protected and respected, into objects of prey that men only value to the extent that they can obtain genital-stimulating pleasure from them.
Thanks to Hollywood (and others) the status of men has been reduced from being perceived as being an essential leader of the family unit; an extremely valued, competent force of good and wisdom in the community; a strong, but gentle protector of the family; a tower of moral integrity who is respected and reverenced by his wife and children, into being a genitally-irritated predator who regrets being 'chained' to his wife and who 'can't' stop looking lustfully at other women's bodies and fantasising about interacting with them.
Thanks to Hollywood (and others), the status of babies and children has been reduced from being perceived as being the greatest gift of love and joy created from the love of a husband and wife, to being almost equivalent to vermin requiring extermination through abortion. If pregnancy is somehow permitted to continue and the baby is born, Hollywood wastes no effort to remind the parents what a 'burden' it is to raise children - the expenses, the irritation, the rebellion, the drug use, teen pregnancies, the total negativity involved in 'raising' the products of conception.
Wot Its Not
Thanks to Hollywood (and all the others), people in Westernised societies now wear blinders - black-outs - in regards to sex. They are so confused that they think weird and abusive behaviours are in fact sex.
People no longer seem to understand what true sex actually is.
Emotionally detached activity involving the genitals is not sex. Hollywood (and others) have taught society to believe that many activities are actually 'sex.' We need to take off the blinders and see the reality.
Porn is not sex.
Voyeurism is not sex.
One night stands are not sex.
Hook-ups are not sex.
Sexting is not sex.
Speaking on the phone using language about genitals is not sex.
Several people using their genitals as weapons at the same time on each other is not sex.
Inviting 101 people to manipulate their genitals into another person's genitals is not sex.
Forcing a person to engage in genital manipulation is not sex.
Forcing a person to be touched on their genitals or body parts is not sex.
Having an internal examination at the doctor's surgery is not sex.
Washing genitals is not sex.
Masturbation performed by oneself or by another person is not sex.
Using a partner's genitals or body openings to masturbate into is not sex.
Using a person's face or throat as a receptacle for bodily fluids is not sex.
Defecating, urinating or spitting on someone is not sex.
Receiving the 'services' of a prostitute is not sex.
Exposing ones genitals is not sex.
Choking another person while violating their genitals is not sex.
Slapping, hitting, punching, burning, whipping, cutting, tying up or causing another person pain while violating their genitals is not sex.
Fantasising about using a person's genitals to help oneself achieve orgasm through masturbation is not sex.
Role-playing having genital contact is not having sex.
Watching other people manipulate their genitals is not having sex.
Fantasising about what a stranger's body parts might look like underneath their clothing is not sex.
Causing fear to a person while manipulating their genitals or their mind is not sex.
Causing an orgasm to an unwilling partner is not sex.
Causing an orgasm to a child is not sex.
Causing an orgasm to a stranger is not sex.
Manipulating the genitals of an animal is not sex.
Using inanimate objects to stimulate the genitals is not sex.
The Sexual Abuse Industry Cult
Those activities are all sexual abuse - an abuse of sex. If Hollywood has trained you to find such sexually abusive behaviours to be exciting, or arousing please do not think you are alone. Hollywood's mass conditioning of society has trapped almost all of our unsuspecting society.
Most people have been unknowingly fitted with reality blinders, compliments of the Sexual Abuse Industry Cult. The cult is well known but not easily identified as the conglomerate of Hollywood, Disney, Cartoons, TV, Social Media, Fashion, Music 'idols,' Only Fans/prostitutes, strip clubs, escorts, etc. Through its constant, unrelenting programme of mass manipulation, brain-washing and hypnotism techniques, this disgusting cult manipulates and pollutes the sacred core values of human beings, causing untold damage to all human beings and to society.
Removing the Blinders with the Truth
Sex is a sacred physical joining of the sacredness inside two people's hearts. The partners love each other and are committed to supporting their union voluntarily and joyfully till death. True sex is when each committed partner strives to give of himself/herself to their partner in order to give physical and emotional pleasure. It is not about using their partner's body for their own pleasure. It is not about taking. It is not lustful (selfish) but both partners focus on giving. If the partners are Christians, they often invite the power of the God of Love to witness their sacred, loving commitment to each other.
Instead of denigrating, mocking and demoting the specialness and sacredness of a wife, sex within marriage confirms her role as being 'the only one,' 'the special one' for her husband. Her value to him is proved every time they connect sexually, bonding his heart to hers - and only to her heart. This is the knowledge that gives the wife the emotional security she needs to truly give herself into her husband's care. The loyal husband is reaffirmed in his wife's mind as being her strong protector and she frequently desires him to demonstrate his love for her.
Of course the happiness produced during true sex creates an extremely safe, stable family unit. The stable family unit is the major threat to the billion dollar porn industry - which should be titled the Sexual Abuse Industry.
Understanding how the Sexual Abuse Industry operates exposes the motive for the fury of the attacks launched on the family unit by Hollywood (and all the others).
As Jesus said in John 8:32, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."